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Release 1.2.1

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@groldan groldan released this 24 Nov 04:39
· 461 commits to master since this release

GeoGig 1.2.1 Release Notes

November 23, 2018

1.2.1 is a maintenance release. It backports some fixes and improvements for managing GeoGig repositories in a PostgreSQL database. Hence you should only worry about an upgrade process if you have an existing GeoGig database in Postgres. On the contrary, if you're creating a new geogig database, there's nothing extra to do, GeoGig will create the correct database schema for you.


ls-repos shows repository names at a given base URI (i.e. directory or database). The verbose option can be used to generate CSV or a nice table with some extra information like number of branches, commits, feature types, and features per repository.

$ export repo="postgresql://localhost:5435/missouri?user=postgres&password=..."
$ geogig ls-repos --help
Usage: geogig ls-repos [options] <base URI> The URI without a repository name. (e.g. geogig ls-repos postgresql://localhost:5432/geogig_db?user=...&password=...)
    -c, --csv
       If verbose output, use comma separated list instead of table output
       Default: false
    -v, --verbose
       verbose output
       Default: false
 $ geogig ls-repos $repo
 $ geogig ls-repos -v $repo
║ Name             │ Branches │ Total commits │ Unique commits │ Feature types │ Total features ║
║ groldan:missouri │ 4        │ 125           │ 65             │ 5             │ 76,354,104     ║
║ volaya:missouri  │ 4        │ 122           │ 62             │ 5             │ 74,704,638     ║

 $ geogig ls-repos -v --csv $repo
Name,Branches,Total commits,Unique commits,Feature types,Total features


postgres-ddl is an utility to generate the DDL script to initialize
a PostgreSQL database to be used by Geogig. Most of the time Geogig
does it all by itself when first accessing the database, but it could be
the case where the database user used to connect with has no enough
proviledges and the script needs to be run by hand using psql for


postgres-upgrade is an utility to upgrade an existing geogig database
from any geogig version prior to 1.2.1. It will create a geogig_metadata
table and add a column to geogig_graph_edge in that is used to ensure the
correct order of commit parents in a commit graph traversal. Curiously,
in Postgres 9.4 it worked by accident, but Postgres 9.5+ returns the
parents in different order unless the query instructs it how to, which
is ok and exposed a bug in geogig itself.

If the PostgreSQL version is 10.0 or higher, and you're creating a new GeoGig
database, the DDL script that GeoGig runs to initialize it will now create HASH
indexes for the geogig_object_* tables, where the revision objects (commits,
tags, features, etc) are stored. This is because just since version 10.0, PostgreSQL
HASH indexes are WAL safe, and they result in slightly better performance under
load/with big datasets.

In order to fix an important bug, one of the geogig tables got a new column. For instance,
geogig_graph_edge has a new dstindex INT NOT NULL column, which is used to
ensure the parent commit ids of any given merge commit are returned in the correct
order when performing a commit graph traversal. For this reason, a new command has
being added to GeoGig's command line interface to aid in the upgrade process, both in
order to run the required DDL script, and to re-build the commit graph for all the repositories
in the database in one shot.

$ geogig postgres-upgrade "postgresql://<server>[:port]/<database>?user=<dbuser>&password=<dbpassword>"

Here is an example output of running postgres-upgrade:

$ geogig postgres-upgrade "postgresql://localhost:5432/geogig_repositories?user=geogig&password=..."

Running DDL script:

CREATE TABLE public.geogig_medatada (key TEXT PRIMARY KEY, value TEXT, description TEXT);
INSERT INTO public.geogig_medatada (key, value) VALUES ('geogig.version', '1.2.1');
INSERT INTO public.geogig_medatada (key, value) VALUES ('geogig.commit-id', 'f34c8dfc07454b7fd2fa339a7ae36ebdd5f97159');
INSERT INTO public.geogig_medatada (key, value) VALUES ('schema.version', '1');
INSERT INTO public.geogig_medatada (key, value) VALUES ('schema.features.partitions', '16');
TRUNCATE public.geogig_graph_edge;
ALTER TABLE public.geogig_graph_edge ADD COLUMN dstindex INT NOT NULL;
Upgrading commit graph for all 17 repositories...
Upgrading graph for repository reg_2016_wgs84_g_83ee687a
Finished upgrading the geogig database to the latest version.

This will connect to the database and run the necessary DDL sentences, as well as rebuild the commit graph of all the repositories, which is not something that can be done purely in SQL, and would be the same than running geogig rebuild-graph for each of the repositories in the database.

Finally, if the database is up to date with the latest geogig postgres schema, a message saying so will be displayed:

$ geogig postgres-upgrade "postgresql://localhost:5432/geogig_repositories?user=geogig&password=..."

Database schema is up to date, checking for non DDL related upgrade actions...

Nothing to upgrade. Database schema is up to date