These are my personal nix-dotfiles to setup my macOS machines. Use at your own risk.
It's still very much work in progress.
Install nix on your machine.
The first build which will also setup nix-darwin needs to be made manually:
nix --extra-experimental-features nix-command \
--extra-experimental-features flakes \
run nix-darwin -- switch --flake "$HOME/dotfiles?submodules=1#m1"
Consecutive runs can be done via
darwin-rebuild switch --flake "$HOME/dotfiles?submodules=1#m1"
Neovim configuration is currently pulled in via git submodule.
Additional sensitive information are encrypted with git-crypt.
These live under the folder machines
and get included inside flake.nix.
To create your own you can use this example code as a start for a personal.nix
{ config, pkgs, ... }: {
# enable git and add email and gpg-key to the rest of the config
programs.git = {
enable = true;
userEmail = "[email protected]";
signing.key = "your-key-id";
# install a list of additional packages
home.packages = with pkgs; [
# add multiline information to hosts file
home.file.".ssh/hosts".text = ''
Host example-host
User foo
- handling secrets → git-crypt
- machine specific configuration
- properly registering gui apps → homebrew until nix takes over
- setup nix-darwin to add more darwin specific configuration
- setup flakes
Feel free to open issues if you’re interested in something.
Consider dotfiles unlicensed (, do what you want with anything you want. Feel free to link back if you want, it could help others in the future but I don’t mind otherwise.