LandsatTS: an R package to facilitate retrieval, cleaning, cross-calibration, and phenological modeling of Landsat time-series data
Logan T. Berner, Jakob J. Assmann, Signe Normand and Scott Goetz
The LandsatTS package helps you to:
- Export whole Landsat 5, 7, and 8 time series records based on point coordinates (“sites”).
- Quality screen surface reflectance measurements from Landsat.
- Cross-calibrate surface reflectance measurements and vegetation indices among Landsat sensors.
- Quantify growing season characteristics using Landsat time series (e.g., annual maximum NDVI).
❗ Important: See Changelog for updates. Current version: 1.2.3 - Using the most recent version is highly recommended. ❗
- Installation
- Prepare sites and extract Landsat data
- Clean and cross-calibrate Landsat data
- Quantify growing season characteristics
- Citation
- Contact
- Contributions
- References
- License
- Funding
- Known issues
You can install the package using devtools
as follows:
# install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github("logan-berner/LandsatTS", build_vignettes = TRUE)
For the preparation and extractions scripts you will also have to make
sure you have the rgee
package installed, fully configured and the
Earth Engine initialized for the current R session. You can find out how
to do that on the rgee website.
Tip: All functions are designed to run in a non-interactive R Session.
The only exception is lsat_get_pixel_centers()
, which optionally
allows the user to view and export a map. For this to work the function
may have to be run in an interactive session in RStudio (not tested
outside) and you may also have to install the external program
PhantomJS. If so, you will be prompted to do so using
. You can find out more
Before you start you will have to determine whether you will extract data for point coordinates or for a polygon area. See flow chart below.
The time-series extraction from the Google Earth Engine with
will only work for point coordinates. If you
have a polygon you can use lsat_get_pixel_centers()
to generate point
coordinates based on all Landsat 8 pixel centers that fall within your
This section illustrates how to use the two functions. Please note that
while the other sections below will always run well in a non-interactive
session some of the optional functionality in this section may require R
Studio. This includes for example generating the map views and using the
access to the Google Drive via rgee
Setting up the environment
Let’s prepare the environment for the extractions:
# Load packages for data handling etc.
# Load LandsatTS package
# Intialize the Earth Engine with rgee
Note: If you have trouble initializing the Earth Engine, please consult
the rgee website or forum. Some LandsatTS
users have reported that
they need to initialize by specifying their email address and using the
option: ee.Initialize(email = "myemail", drive = TRUE)
Getting pixel centers using lsat_get_pixel_centers()
Next, we assume you have no point coordinates ready yet, but would like
to extract the Landsat time-series for a polygon. So we start with
. This function is a convenience helper
function that determines the Landsat 8 grid pixel centers within a
polygon (adding an optional buffer). Below are two examples that show
how it works.
Important: It is not advisable to determine pixel centers for very
large polygons. See ?lsat_get_pixel_centers
for more on this.
Tip: You can download the WRS2 scene boundaries kml file from USGS and
specify it in the function call to avoid downloading it every time the
function is called. See ?lsat_get_pixel_centers
for more info.
First, for a single polygon:
# Specify a region
test_poly <- st_polygon(
list(matrix(c(-138.90125, 69.58413,
-138.88988, 69.58358,
-138.89147, 69.58095,
-138.90298, 69.57986,
-138.90125, 69.58413),
ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)))
test_poly_sf <- st_sfc(test_poly, crs = 4326) %>% st_sf()
# Use lsat_get_pixel_centers to retrieve pixel centers and plot to a file that can be added to this documentation.
# We set plot_map to a file path (or just TRUE) to view
pixel_list_test_poly <- lsat_get_pixel_centers(test_poly_sf, plot_map = "man/figures/lsat_get_pixel_centers.png")
Here is a capture of what you would see in the map view port of R Studio:
Second, for multiple polygons:
## Ge pixel centers for multiple regions
# Create multi-polygon sf
ellesmere <- st_polygon(list(matrix(c(-75.78526, 78.86973,
-75.78526, 78.87246,
-75.77116, 78.87246,
-75.77116, 78.86973,
-75.78526, 78.86973),
ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)))
zackenberg <- st_polygon(list(matrix(c(-20.56254, 74.47469,
-20.56254, 74.47740,
-20.55242, 74.47740,
-20.55242, 74.47469,
-20.56254, 74.47469),
ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)))
toolik <- st_polygon(list(matrix(c(-149.60686, 68.62364,
-149.60686, 68.62644,
-149.59918, 68.62644,
-149.59918, 68.62364,
-149.60686, 68.62364),
ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)))
test_regions_sf <- st_sfc(ellesmere, zackenberg, toolik, crs = 4326) %>% st_sf() %>%
mutate(region = c("ellesmere", "zackenberg", "toolik"))
# Split and map lsat_get_pixel_centers using dplyr and purrr wihout plotting
pixel_list <- test_regions_sf %>%
split(.$region) %>%
pixel_prefix_from = "region") %>%
# Let's look at the returned sf object:
Exporting time-series from the Earth Engine using lsat_export_ts()
Now that we have point coordinates ready we can use lsat_export_ts()
to extract the Landsat time-series from the Earth Engine. See the code
examples below for how this is done. For this tutorial we only use a
small number of points to speed things up a bit.
The lsat_export_ts()
function will accept any sf object that contains
a point feature collection. It also requires one column with unique
identifiers for each “site” (i.e. a pixel identifier) these can be
specified with site_id_from =
. If you have an attribute column called
“site_id” such as that generated by lsat_get_pixel_centers()
you will
not have to specify anything extra.
issues one or more tasks to the Earth Engine that
export the data to your Google Drive. The default output folder is
you can change the output folder and file name using
the relevant arguments (see ?lsat_export_ts
Importantly to note is that for larger data sets of points the
time-series will have to be export in chunks. You can a) let the
function chunk the data automatically (no arguments needed), b) set the
chunk size (ue max_chunk_size =
) or c) define the chunks based on a
column in the dataset (use chunks_from =
). Examples for all are shown
Please note: There is a reason we decided to export the data in small chunks. For the exports there are two important bottlenecks: 1) transfer of the point data to the Earth Engine and 2) export of time-series from the Earth Engine. The latter is particularly important. Larger chunks are prone to cause more errors and exceed the user limit set on exports by Google. It is safer and perhaps more efficient to issue smaller chunks and bind them back together later rather than exporting one big mass of time-series. We found that 250 points is a happy medium (at time of writing a chunck of that size took about 3h to export).
# Generate test points
test_points_sf <- st_sfc(sf::st_point(c(-149.6026, 68.62574)),
sf::st_point(c(-149.6003, 68.62524)),
sf::st_point(c(-75.78057, 78.87038)),
sf::st_point(c(-75.77098, 78.87256)),
sf::st_point(c(-20.56182, 74.47670)),
sf::st_point(c(-20.55376, 74.47749)), crs = 4326) %>%
st_sf() %>%
mutate(sample_id = c("toolik_1",
region = c("toolik", "toolik",
"ellesmere", "ellesmere",
"zackenberg", "zackenberg"))
# Export time-series using lsat_export_ts()
task_list <- lsat_export_ts(test_points_sf)
## Further examples:
# Export time-series using with a chunk size of 2
# task_list <- lsat_export_ts(test_points_sf, max_chunk_size = 2)
# Export time-series in chunks by column
# task_list <- lsat_export_ts(test_points_sf, chunks_from = "region")
The function returns the task objects generated by rgee for each chunk to be exported. You can monitor progress of the task using rgee’s ee_monitoring() or the GEE WebAPI.
Tip: Should the export of a chunk fail for some reason you can reissue
the export task using the this_chunk_only =
option. See below.
# re-export a chunk
# reexport_task <- lsat_export_ts(test_points_sf, chunks_from = "region", this_chunk_only = "yamal")
Once the tasks are completed, open your Google Drive and check the
folder (or the folder you specified) and retrieve the
data to process it in Sections 3 and 4 below. For example, you could use
the Google Drive Backup tool or rgee’s ee_drive_to_local()
to copy the data automatically to a local drive:
# Monitor export progress, waiting for last export to have finished
map(task_list, ee_monitoring)
# Copy exported file(s) to tempfolder in R using ee_drive_to_local()
temp_files <- map(task_list, ee_drive_to_local)
Prepare the exported Landsat data for analysis using lsat_format_data()
After exporting Landsat data from Earth Engine, it is then necessary
prepare the data for analysis. First, read the exported data into R
using data.table::fread()
and then use the lsat_format_data()
function to parse necessary information, rename columns, and scale band
Please note: All LandsatTS functions depend on there being a column called “” that uniquely identifies each location. If this column is not called ‘’ in your dataset, then make sure to modify your column name accordingly.
lsat.dt <-"rbind", lapply(files_exported_from_EE, fread))
# setnames(lsat.dt, 'my_unique_location_column','')
lsat.dt <- lsat_format_data(lsat.dt)
Clean the surface reflectance data using lsat_clean_data()
For most analyses you’ll want to use high-quality surface reflectance
measurements that were acquired under clear-sky conditions. You can
filter surface reflectance measurements using lsat_clean_data()
. This
function allows you to filter measurements based on pixel quality flags
and scene criteria. The USGS provides pixel quality flags based on the
CFMask algorithm and provides information on each scene (e.g., cloud
cover). The default settings from lsat_clean_data()
will filter out
snow and water. Addition water masking is provided based on the maximum
surface water extent variable from the JRC Global Surface Water Dataset
that was derived from Landsat.
lsat.dt <- lsat_clean_data(lsat.dt, geom.max = 15, cloud.max = 80, sza.max = 60, filter.cfmask.snow = T, filter.cfmask.water = T, filter.jrc.water = T)
Optional: Compute average surface reflectance among neighboring pixels using lsat_neighborhood_mean()
If each of your sites is actually a neightborhood of Landsat pixels
(e.g., 3 x 3 pixels), then lsat_neighborhood_mean()
will compute the
mean reflectance across this neighborhood of pixels.
lsat.dt <- lsat_neighborhood_mean(lsat.dt)
Optional: Summarize the availability of Landsat data for each site using lsat_summarize_data()
The function lsat_summarize_data()
creates a summary table that
provides information on the time period of observations and number of
observations available for each site. It also generates a figure showing
the density of observations across years, which combines data across all
data.summary.dt <- lsat_summarize_data(lsat.dt)
Calculate spectral indices using lsat_calc_spectral_index()
The function lsat_calc_spectral_index()
allows users to easily
calculate some widely used spectral indices. These include NDVI, EVI,
and currently nine other spectral indices (EVI2, kNDVI, MSI, NBR, NIRv,
NDII, NDWI, PSRI, SATVI). Note that only one index can be computed at a
# Compute NDVI or other vegetation index
lsat.dt <- lsat_calc_spectral_index(lsat.dt, si = 'ndvi')
Cross-calibrate spectral reflectance or index using lsat_calibrate_rf()
There are systematic differences in surface reflectance and spectral
indices among Landsat sensors. If you are working with data from
multiple sensors, then it is very important to further cross-calibrate
data among sensors. The function lsat_calibrate_rf()
will calibrate
individual bands or spectral indices from Landsat 5/8 to match Landsat
7. Landsat 7 is used as a benchmark because it temporally overlaps with
the other two sensors. Cross-calibration can only be performed on one
band or spectral index at a time and requires having data from 100s to
preferably many 1,000s of sample sites. The approach involves
determining the typical reflectance at a site during a portion of the
growing season using Landsat 7 and Landsat 5/8 data that were collected
the same years. A Random Forest model is then trained to predict Landsat
7 reflectance from Landsat 5/8 reflectance. If your data include both
Landsat 5 and 8, then the function will train a Random Forest model for
each sensor. Please note that for analyses focused on Arctic or boreal
regions, there in an option to train the Random Forest models use an
internal dataset of reflectance measurements from ~6,000 random sample
sites. This is accomplished by setting = T. By
default, lsat_calibrate_rf()
will add a new column with the
cross-calibrated data ([band].xcal); however, the function will
overwrite the existing column if you set the option overwrite.col = T
(as used in the example below). The function will optionally also create
an output directory that contains (1) trained Random Forest models, (2)
a spreadsheet with model evaluation metrics, and (3) a multi-panel
figure comparing sensors pre- and post-calibration.
Note: If you use the default setting that adds a new column with the cross-calibrated data, then you’ll either want to use those data in the subsequent functions (e.g., ndvi.xcal) or, once satisfied, manually overwrite the uncalibrated data to simplify subsuquent column names.
# Cross-calibrate NDVI among sensors using an approach based on Random Forest machine learning
lsat.dt <- lsat_calibrate_rf(lsat.dt, = 'ndvi',
doy.rng = 151:242,
min.obs = 5,
frac.train = 0.75,
overwrite.col = T,
write.output = F)
# If needed, then manually overwrite the uncalibrated data with the calibrated data, then drop the duplicate column
# lsat.dt <- lsat.dt[, ndvi := ndvi.xcal]
# lsat.dt <- lsat.dt[, ndvi.xcal := NULL)
Fit phenological curves to vegetation greenness time series using lsat_fit_phenological_curves()
The function lsat_fit_phenological_curves()
characterizes seasonal
land surface phenology at each sampling site using vegetation greenness
(e.g., NDVI) time series from Landsat satellite observations. The
function was construted as a stepping stone to estimating annual maximum
vegetation greenness (e.g., NDVImax). The function iteratively fits
cubic splines to seasonal vegetation greenness time series and returns
information about the timing and magnitude of individual vegetation
greenness observation relative to a multi-year seasonal phenology at
each site.
Note: The function was designed for spectral indices that are typically
positive (e.g., NDVI). If you are working with a spectral index that is
typically negative (e.g., NDWI) then multiply your index by -1 before
running the lsat_fit_phenological_curves()
functions and backtransform
# Fit phenological models (cubic splines) to each time series
lsat.pheno.dt <- lsat_fit_phenological_curves(lsat.dt, si = 'ndvi', window.yrs = 5, window.min.obs = 10, vi.min = 0, = F, progress = T)
Derived annual growing season metrics using lsat_summarize_growing_seasons()
The function lsat_summarize_growing_seasons()
estimates several annual
growing season metrics from vegetation greenness time series derived
from Landsat satellite observations. The metrics include annual mean,
median, and 90th percentile vegetation greenness of observations during
each growing season, as well as phenologically-modeled estimates of
annual maximum vegetation greenness and the seasonal timing (Day of
Year) of maximum vegetation greenness. This function relies on output
from lsat_fit_phenological_curves()
. <- lsat_summarize_growing_seasons(lsat.pheno.dt, si = 'ndvi', min.frac.of.max = 0.75)
Optional: Evaluate how raw and modeled estimates of annual max NDVI vary with scene availability using lsat_evaluate_phenological_max()
Estimates of annual maximum vegetation greenness are sensitive to the
number of observations available from a growing season. The function
is a tool for assessing how the
number of annual Landsat observations impacts estimates of annual
maximum vegetation greenness derived from raw observations and after
phenological modeling. The algorithm computes a “true” annual maximum
vegetation greenness using site x years with a user-specific number of
observations and then compares these with estimates derived when using
progressively smaller subsets of observations. This lets you determine
the degree to which annual estimates of maximum vegetation greenness are
impacted by the number of available observations. <- lsat_evaluate_phenological_max(lsat.pheno.dt, si = 'ndvi', min.obs = 10, reps = 5, min.frac.of.max = 0.75, outdir = NA)
Compute trends in annual vegetation greenness using lsat_calc_trend()
Th function lsat_calc_trend()
computes a temporal trend in annual time
series of vegetation greenness for each sampling site over a
user-specificed time period. This is a wrapper for the zyp.yuepilon()
function from the zyp package. This function will iteratively pre-whiten
a time series (i.e., remove temporal autocorrelation) and then compute
Mann-Kendall trend tests and Theil-Sen slope indicators.
lsat.trnds.dt <- lsat_calc_trend(, si = 'ndvi.max', 2000:2020, sig = 0.1)
When using this package please cite:
Berner, L.T., Assmann, J.J., Normand, S. and Goetz, S.J. 2023. LandsatTS: an R package to facilitate retrieval, cleaning, cross-calibration, and phenological modeling of Landsat time-series data. Ecography, e06768,
Logan T. Berner and Jakob J. Assmann
Email Logan at: [email protected]
Email Jakob at: [email protected]
Logan T. Berner wrote the analysis functions (Sections 3 and 4). Jakob
J. Assmann facilitated package development and wrote the extraction and
preparation functions (Section 2). Richard Massey wrote the original
Python code for the lsat_export_ts()
function, later refined and
translated first to JavaScript and then rgee code by Jakob J. Assmann.
Singe Normand and Scott Goetz provided funding and mentorship for this
project. Logan T. Berner and Jakob J. Assmann prepared the code for
publication and wrote the documentation.
Thank you to all the testers: Jeff Kerby, Adrianna Foster, Sarah Elmendorf, Russell Wong, and others!
Aybar C, Wu Q, Bautista L, Yali R and Barja A (2020) rgee: An R package for interacting with Google Earth Engine, Journal of Open Source Software,
Peer-reviewed publications that have used LandsatTS
Burrell, A.L., Cooperdock, S., Potter, S., Berner, L.T., Hember, R., Macander, M.J., Walker, X.J., Massey, R., Foster, A.C., Mack, M. C., Goetz, S.J., & Rogers, B., 2024, The predictability of near term forest biomass change in boreal North America. Ecosphere, 15(1), e4737.
Wong, R. E., Berner, L. T., Sullivan, P. F., Potter, C. S., & Dial, R. J., 2024, Pixel walking along the boreal forest–Arctic tundra ecotone: Large scale ground-truthing of satellite-derived greenness (NDVI). Global Change Biology, 30, e17374.
Berner, L.T., Goetz, S.J., 2022. Satellite observations document trends consistent with a boreal forest biome shift. Global Change Biology 28, 3275–3292.
Foster et al, 2022. Disturbances in North American boreal forest and Arctic tundra: impacts, interactions, and responses. Environmental Research Letters 17, 113001.
Boyd, M.A., Berner, L.T., Foster, A.C., Goetz, S.J., Rogers, B.M., Walker, X.J., Mack, M.C., 2021. Historic declines in growth portend trembling aspen death during a contemporary leaf miner outbreak in Alaska. Ecosphere 12, e03569.
Gaglioti, B., Berner, L.T., Jones, B.M., Orndahl, K.M., Williams, A.P., Andreu‐Hayles, L., D’Arrigo, R., Goetz, S.J., Mann, D.H., 2021. Tussocks enduring or shrubs greening: Alternate responses to changing fire regimes in the Noatak River Valley, Alaska. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 126, e2020JG006009.
Mekonnen, Z.A., Riley, W.J., Berner, L.T., Bouskill, N.J., Torn, M.S., Iwahana, G., Breen, A.L., Myers-Smith, I.H., Criado, M.G., Liu, Y., Euskirchen, E.S., Goetz, S.J., Mack, M.C., Grant, R.F., 2021. Arctic tundra shrubification: a review of mechanisms and impacts on ecosystem carbon balance. Environmental Research Letters 16, 053001.
Walker, X.J., Alexander, H.D., Berner, L.T., Boyd, M.A., Loranty, M.M., Natali, S.M., Mack, M.C., 2021. Positive response of tree productivity to warming is reversed by increased tree density at the Arctic tundra-taiga ecotone. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 51, 1323-1338.
2020 and earlier
Berner, L.T., Massey, R., Jantz, P., Forbes, B.C., Macias-Fauria, M., Myers-Smith, I.H., Kumpula, T., Gauthier, G., Andreu-Hayles, L., Gaglioti, B., Burns, P.J., Zetterberg, P., D’Arrigo, R., Goetz, S.J., 2020. Summer warming explains widespread but not uniform greening in the Arctic tundra biome. Nature Communications 11, 4621.
Boyd, M.A., Berner, L.T., Doak, P., Goetz, S.J., Rogers, B.M., Wagner, D., Walker, X.J., Mack, M.C., 2019. Impacts of climate and insect herbivory on productivity and physiology of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) in Alaskan boreal forests. Environmental Research Letters 14, 085010.
Verdonen, M., Berner, L.T., Forbes, B.C., Kumpula, T., 2020. Periglacial vegetation dynamics in Arctic Russia: decadal analysis of tundra regeneration on landslides with time series satellite imagery. Environmental Research Letters 15, 105020.
Software development was supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (Grant No. 80NSSC19M0112) and NASA New Investigator Program (Grant No. 80NSSC21K1364). Further support was provided by the National Science Foundation Navigating the New Arctic Big Idea (Grant No. 2127273), the Independent Research Fund of Denmark (Grant No. 7027-00133B), and the EU Horizon 2020 CHARTER project (Grant No. 869471).
LandsatTS relies on the rgee package to call the Google Earth Engine (EE) API from within R. Unfortunately, some users have reported problems with initializing EE using rgee. If you encounter problems with initializing EE, please consult the rgee website, where several temporary solutions have been proposed (r-spatial/rgee#355).
LandsatTS version 1.1 had small bugs in lsat_fit_phenological_curves() and lsat_summarize_growing_seasons() that affected estimates of annual maximum vegetation greenness. Extensive testing showed the effects of these bugs were typically quite small. These bugs have been fixed in version 1.2. Nevertheless, be aware that the worked example in Berner et al. (2023) was based on version 1.1 and thus the results differ slightly from those obtained using version 1.2. Please use the most recent version of LandsatTS for the most accurate results.