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chore(fmt): Apply ocamlformat
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JuneRousseau committed Jan 19, 2024
1 parent 9ef8fc2 commit ea4e6a1
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Showing 24 changed files with 1,954 additions and 2,609 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions .ocamlformat
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
profile = default
version = 0.26.0
margin = 100
17 changes: 11 additions & 6 deletions lib/
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@@ -1,17 +1,22 @@
(* Type definitions for the syntax AST *)
type regname = PC | Reg of int

let ddc = Reg 0
let stk = Reg 31

type perm = O | E | RO | RX | RW | RWX | RWL | RWLX | URW | URWL | URWX | URWLX
type locality = Global | Local | Directed
type wtype = W_I | W_Cap | W_SealRange | W_Sealed
type seal_perm = bool * bool
type reg_or_const = Register of regname | Const of Z.t
type sealable = Cap of perm * locality * Z.t * Infinite_z.t * Z.t
| SealRange of seal_perm * locality* Z.t * Z.t * Z.t

type sealable =
| Cap of perm * locality * Z.t * Infinite_z.t * Z.t
| SealRange of seal_perm * locality * Z.t * Z.t * Z.t

type word = I of Z.t | Sealable of sealable | Sealed of Z.t * sealable
type machine_op

type machine_op =
| Jmp of regname
| Jnz of regname * regname
| Invoke of regname * regname
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -45,8 +50,8 @@ type machine_op
type statement = Op of machine_op | Word of word (* TODO: PseudoOp and LabelDefs *)
type t = statement list

let compare_regname (r1 : regname) (r2: regname) : int =
match r1, r2 with
let compare_regname (r1 : regname) (r2 : regname) : int =
match (r1, r2) with
| PC, PC -> 0
| PC, Reg _ -> -1
| Reg _, PC -> 1
Expand Down
95 changes: 45 additions & 50 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,67 +3,62 @@ open Ast
(** Calling convention from *)

let const n = (Const (Z.of_int n))
let in_list (e :'a) (l : 'a list) : bool =
match (List.find_opt (fun x -> x = e) l) with
| None -> false
| Some _ -> true
let const n = Const (Z.of_int n)

let all_registers : regname list =
[PC; stk] @ List.init 32 (fun i -> Reg i)
let in_list (e : 'a) (l : 'a list) : bool =
match List.find_opt (fun x -> x = e) l with None -> false | Some _ -> true

let rstk : regname = (Reg 0)
let all_registers : regname list = [ PC; stk ] @ List.init 32 (fun i -> Reg i)
let rstk : regname = Reg 0

let rec rclear (regs : regname list) : (machine_op list) =
match regs with
| [] -> []
| r::regs' -> (Move (r, const 0))::(rclear regs')
let rec rclear (regs : regname list) : machine_op list =
match regs with [] -> [] | r :: regs' -> Move (r, const 0) :: rclear regs'

let rclear_inv (regs : regname list) : machine_op list =
(rclear (List.filter (fun r -> not (in_list r regs)) all_registers))
rclear (List.filter (fun r -> not (in_list r regs)) all_registers)

let reg_diff (regs : regname list) : regname list=
(List.filter (fun r -> not (in_list r regs)) all_registers)
let reg_diff (regs : regname list) : regname list =
List.filter (fun r -> not (in_list r regs)) all_registers

let push_instrs ps = (fun p -> StoreU (rstk, const 0, p)) ps
let pop_instrs r =
[Encode.encode_machine_op (LoadU (r,rstk, const (-1)));
Encode.encode_machine_op (Lea (rstk, const (-1)))]

let push_env =
push_instrs ( (fun r -> Register r) (reg_diff [PC;rstk]))
let pop_instrs r =
Encode.encode_machine_op (LoadU (r, rstk, const (-1)));
Encode.encode_machine_op (Lea (rstk, const (-1)));

let pop_env =
List.fold_left (fun b r -> (pop_instrs r) @ b) [] (reg_diff [PC;rstk])
let push_env = push_instrs ( (fun r -> Register r) (reg_diff [ PC; rstk ]))
let pop_env = List.fold_left (fun b r -> pop_instrs r @ b) [] (reg_diff [ PC; rstk ])

let call_prologue (rargs : regname list) : (machine_op list) =
push_instrs [const 0]@
push_instrs [Register rstk]@
(( (fun i -> (Const (Encode.encode_machine_op i)))
[ Move (Reg 31, Register PC);
Lea (Reg 31, const (-1));
Load (rstk, Reg 31)])
@ (fun i -> (Const i)) pop_env
@ [(Const ((Encode.encode_machine_op (LoadU (PC, rstk, const (-1))))))])@
[Move (Reg 31, Register PC);
Lea (Reg 31, const (41+List.length rargs));
StoreU (rstk, const (-99), Register (Reg 1))
let call_prologue (rargs : regname list) : machine_op list =
push_instrs [ const 0 ]
@ push_env @ push_instrs [ Register rstk ]
@ push_instrs
(fun i -> Const (Encode.encode_machine_op i))
[ Move (Reg 31, Register PC); Lea (Reg 31, const (-1)); Load (rstk, Reg 31) ]
@ (fun i -> Const i) pop_env
@ [ Const (Encode.encode_machine_op (LoadU (PC, rstk, const (-1)))) ])
@ [
Move (Reg 31, Register PC);
Lea (Reg 31, const (41 + List.length rargs));
StoreU (rstk, const (-99), Register (Reg 1));

let scall (r : regname) (rargs : regname list) : machine_op list =
let e_directed_perm = Const (Encode.encode_perm_loc_pair E Directed) in
call_prologue rargs @
[ Move (Reg 30, Register rstk);
PromoteU (Reg 30);
Lea (Reg 30, const (-66));
Restrict (Reg 30, e_directed_perm);
GetA (Reg 31, rstk);
GetB (Reg 29, rstk);
SubSeg (rstk, Register (Reg 31), Register (Reg 31));
push_instrs [Register (Reg 30)]@
push_instrs ( (fun x -> Register x) rargs)@
rclear (reg_diff [PC;rstk])@
[Jmp r]
call_prologue rargs
@ [
Move (Reg 30, Register rstk);
PromoteU (Reg 30);
Lea (Reg 30, const (-66));
Restrict (Reg 30, e_directed_perm);
GetA (Reg 31, rstk);
GetB (Reg 29, rstk);
SubSeg (rstk, Register (Reg 31), Register (Reg 31));
@ push_instrs [ Register (Reg 30) ]
@ push_instrs ( (fun x -> Register x) rargs)
@ rclear (reg_diff [ PC; rstk ])
@ [ Jmp r ]
95 changes: 53 additions & 42 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ type cli_mode = Interactive_mode | Interpreter_mode

(** Initialize the Cerise version and returns
(mode, program_filename, register_filename, size_mem) *)
let parse_arguments () : (cli_mode * string * string)
let parse_arguments () : cli_mode * string * string =
let usage_msg =
"interpreter [-I] [--interactive] [--version version] [--locality locality] [--sealing | --no-sealing] [--stack | --no-stack] [--uperms | --no-uperms] [--mem-size size] <file>"
"interpreter [-I] [--interactive] [--version version] [--locality locality] [--sealing | \
--no-sealing] [--stack | --no-stack] [--uperms | --no-uperms] [--mem-size size] <file>"
let interactive_option = ref false in
let version_option = ref "default" in
Expand All @@ -27,56 +27,64 @@ let parse_arguments () : (cli_mode * string * string)
("--interactive", Arg.Set interactive_option, "Interactive mode of the interpreter");
("-I", Arg.Set interactive_option, "Interactive mode of the interpreter");
("--version", Arg.Set_string version_option, "Version Cerise: default, vanilla, ucerise, mcerise, seal_cerise, custom");
( "--version",
Arg.Set_string version_option,
"Version Cerise: default, vanilla, ucerise, mcerise, seal_cerise, custom" );
("--sealing", Arg.Set sealing_option, "Enable the seals");
("--no-sealing", Arg.Set no_sealing_option, "Disable the seals");
("--stack", Arg.Set stack_option, "Enable the stack");
("--no-stack", Arg.Set no_stack_option, "Disable the stack");
("--uperms", Arg.Set uperms_option, "Enable the U-permission");
("--no-uperms", Arg.Set no_uperms_option, "Disable the U-permission");
("--locality", Arg.Set_string locality_option, "Choose the minimum locality: Global, Local, Directed");
( "--locality",
Arg.Set_string locality_option,
"Choose the minimum locality: Global, Local, Directed" );
("--mem-size", Arg.Set_string mem_size_option, "Size of the memory, Inf or integer");
("--regfile", Arg.Set_string regfile_name_option, "Initial state of the registers");
] in
Arg.parse speclist anon_fun usage_msg;

let mode = if !interactive_option then Interactive_mode else Interpreter_mode in

(* Construct the configuration *)
let _ =
match !version_option with
| "default" -> (Parameters.flags := Parameters.full_cerise)
| "vanilla" -> (Parameters.flags := Parameters.vanilla_cerise)
| "ucerise" -> (Parameters.flags := Parameters.stack_cerise)
| "mcerise" -> (Parameters.flags := Parameters.mcerise)
| "seal_cerise" -> (Parameters.flags := Parameters.sealing_cerise)
| "custom" -> (Parameters.flags := Parameters.custom_cerise)
| _ -> raise @@ Arg.Help
"The --version option requires one of the following values: default, vanilla, ucerise, mcerise, custom"
| "default" -> Parameters.flags := Parameters.full_cerise
| "vanilla" -> Parameters.flags := Parameters.vanilla_cerise
| "ucerise" -> Parameters.flags := Parameters.stack_cerise
| "mcerise" -> Parameters.flags := Parameters.mcerise
| "seal_cerise" -> Parameters.flags := Parameters.sealing_cerise
| "custom" -> Parameters.flags := Parameters.custom_cerise
| _ ->
@@ Arg.Help
"The --version option requires one of the following values: default, vanilla, \
ucerise, mcerise, custom"

let _ =
match !stack_option, !no_stack_option with
| (false, false) -> ()
| (true, false) -> Parameters.set_stack true
| (false, true) -> Parameters.set_stack false
| (true, true) -> raise @@ Arg.Help "Option --stack and --no-stack cannot be used together."
match (!stack_option, !no_stack_option) with
| false, false -> ()
| true, false -> Parameters.set_stack true
| false, true -> Parameters.set_stack false
| true, true -> raise @@ Arg.Help "Option --stack and --no-stack cannot be used together."

let _ =
match !sealing_option, !no_sealing_option with
| (false, false) -> ()
| (true, false) -> Parameters.set_sealing true
| (false, true) -> Parameters.set_sealing false
| (true, true) -> raise @@ Arg.Help "Option --sealing and --no-sealing cannot be used together."
match (!sealing_option, !no_sealing_option) with
| false, false -> ()
| true, false -> Parameters.set_sealing true
| false, true -> Parameters.set_sealing false
| true, true -> raise @@ Arg.Help "Option --sealing and --no-sealing cannot be used together."

let _ =
match !uperms_option, !no_uperms_option with
| (false, false) -> ()
| (true, false) -> Parameters.set_uperms true
| (false, true) -> Parameters.set_uperms false
| (true, true) -> raise @@ Arg.Help "Option --uperms and --no-uperms cannot be used together."
match (!uperms_option, !no_uperms_option) with
| false, false -> ()
| true, false -> Parameters.set_uperms true
| false, true -> Parameters.set_uperms false
| true, true -> raise @@ Arg.Help "Option --uperms and --no-uperms cannot be used together."

let _ =
Expand All @@ -85,27 +93,30 @@ let parse_arguments () : (cli_mode * string * string)
| "Directed" -> Parameters.set_locality Directed
| "Local" -> Parameters.set_locality Local
| "Global" -> Parameters.set_locality Global
| _ -> raise @@ Arg.Help "The --locality option requires one of the following values: Global, Local or Directed"
| _ ->
@@ Arg.Help
"The --locality option requires one of the following values: Global, Local or Directed"

let _ =
match !mem_size_option with
| "inf"
| "Inf" -> Parameters.set_max_addr Infinite_z.Inf
| "" -> ()
| s ->
let n = (Z.of_string s) in
if Z.(n < ~$0)
then (Printf.eprintf "Size of memory must be positive (%s)" s; exit 1)
else Parameters.set_max_addr (Infinite_z.Int n)
match !mem_size_option with
| "inf" | "Inf" -> Parameters.set_max_addr Infinite_z.Inf
| "" -> ()
| s ->
let n = Z.of_string s in
if Z.(n < ~$0) then (
Printf.eprintf "Size of memory must be positive (%s)" s;
exit 1)
else Parameters.set_max_addr (Infinite_z.Int n)

let filename_prog =
match !input_files with
| [filename] -> filename
| [ filename ] -> filename
| _ ->
Printf.eprintf "%s\n" usage_msg;
exit 1
Printf.eprintf "%s\n" usage_msg;
exit 1

(mode, filename_prog, !regfile_name_option)
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions lib/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
(name libinterp)
(name libinterp)
(libraries containers notty notty.unix zarith))

(ocamllex lexer lexer_regfile)
(menhir (modules parser parser_regfile) )

(modules parser parser_regfile))

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