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Minimalistic Frontegg OAuth implementation for browser applications. It offers APIs for retrieving and refreshing tokens and basic user data.

This package is an alternative to the official @frontegg/js package.


Use the package manager npm to install the library.

npm install @lokalise/frontegg-oauth-client


The library offers several APIs to initiate the OAuth flow and retrieve user data.

// Create client instance
const client = new FronteggOAuthClient({
    baseUrl: '',
    clientId: 'CLIENT_ID',
    redirectUri: `${window.location.origin}/oauth/callback`,
    logoutRedirectUri: window.location.origin,

try {
    // Retrieve user
    const user = await client.getUserData();

    // Retrieve token 
    const accessToken = user.accessToken;
} catch (error) {
    // In case we receive a 401 Unauthorized error, we need to redirect the user to the login page.
    if (error instanceof FronteggError && error.status === 401) {
        // Retrieve login URL
        const loginUrl = await client.getOAuthLoginUrl() 
        // Redirect to Frontegg login page
        window.location.href = loginUrl;
    // Rethrow unknown error.
    throw error

You also need to set up the OAuth callback path in your browser app. For that, we use the same client instance as in the code above.

// OAuth callback app - usually /oauth/callback URL
const handleRequest = async (request: Request) => {
    const oauthCode = new URL(request.url).searchParams.get('code')

    if (!oauthCode) {
        throw new Error('Missing oauth code');

    // After successful login, the client can retrieve 
    // the access token through the OAuth code.
    await client.fetchAccessTokenByOAuthCode(oauthCode)
    // Redirect the user to the main app
    window.location.href = '/';


This library is brought to you by a joint effort of Lokalise engineers: