- Login/Register
- Create Event and recurring scheduled events for next 90 days.
Start time
End Time
Day of the week
- For Example: On 22nd July 2022 (friday), if a user is creating an event with following properties
Name - Event A
Description - Discuss ABC
Start time - 13:00
End Time - 14:00
Day of the week - Mon
- Based on the above params, this will create schedules for next 90 days on every next-monday's dates at the event's start and end time.
Please Look at Request for API
Client: React, Redux, Bootstrap CSS, React big calendar
Server: Laravel
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/lokeshrangani/event-calendar.git
- Goto react-app folder
cd react-app
- Install NPM packages
npm install
- Goto laravel folder
cd.. && cd laravel
- Install Composer dependencies
composer install
- Generate Application Key
php artisan key:generate
- Generate JWT Secret
php artisan jwt:secret
- Create DB and make connection in .env
- Run Migration
php artisan migrate
- Create .env file and Set API End point in react .env
REACT_APP_API_URL=PATH_TO_LARAVEL_PROJECT eg.http://localhost/event-calendar/laravel
- Run React
npm start