LBTC is liquid Bitcoin; it's yield-bearing, cross-chain, and 1:1 backed by BTC. LBTC enables yield-bearing BTC to move cross-chain without fragmenting liquidity, and is designed to seamlessly integrate Bitcoin into the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem while maintaining the security and integrity of the underlying asset.
graph TD
users1(Users) -- mint(data,proofSignature) --> lbtc1{{LBTC}}
lbtc1 -- isValidSignature(hash,signature) --> consortium1{{consortium}}
lbtc1 -- validateWithdrawal(depositID,withdrawalAmount) --> bascule{{bascule}}
users2(Users) -- redeem(scriptPubkey,amount) --> lbtc2{{LBTC}}
users3(Users) -- depositToBridge(toChain,toAddress,amount) -->lbtc3A{{LBTC, chain A}}
users3 -- withdrawFromBridge(data,proofSignature) --> lbtc3B{{LBTC, chain B}}
lbtc3B -- isValidSignature(hash,signature) --> consortium3{{consortium}}
Smart contract | Description | Address | ProxyAdmin |
Bascule | Bascule drawbridge designed to prevent bridge hacks before they hit the chain. | 0xc750eCAC7250E0D18ecE2C7a5F130E3A765dc260 | - |
LombardConsortium | Stores consortium threshold key and verify signatures | 0xed6d647e2f81e5262101aff72c4a7bcdcfd780e0 | 0xa212Db18f8aEC6eF2F08cE42D7B447f9a405CD24 |
LombardTimelock | Safeguard helps to perform delayed transactions (implementation upgrade) | 0x055E84e7FE8955E2781010B866f10Ef6E1E77e59 | - |
LBTC | ERC20 token to interact with protocol | 0x8236a87084f8B84306f72007F36F2618A5634494 | 0xbae061C73876952aa2C5e483B74DfA785425f879 |
GnosisSafeProxy | Lombard governance and treasury wallet | 0x251a604E8E8f6906d60f8dedC5aAeb8CD38F4892 | - |
- Node: v18+
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yarn hardhat deploy-consortium [params]
yarn hardhat deploy-timelock [params]
yarn hardhat deploy-lbtc [params]