Just use composer:
composer require imper86/php-allegro-api
This lib uses HTTPlug so it doesn't depend on any http client. In order to use this lib you must have some PSR-18 http client and PSR-17 http factories. If you don't know which one you shoud install you can require these:
composer require php-http/guzzle6-adapter http-interop/http-factory-guzzle
Library has a bunch of mechanisms that allows you to forget about tokens, expirations etc. But in order to start using it you must authorize user using Oauth flow.
use Imper86\PhpAllegroApi\AllegroApi;
use Imper86\PhpAllegroApi\Model\Credentials;
use Imper86\PhpAllegroApi\Oauth\FileTokenRepository;
use Imper86\PhpAllegroApi\Plugin\AuthenticationPlugin;
// first, create Credentials object
$credentials = new Credentials(
true //is sandbox
// create api client
$api = new AllegroApi($credentials);
// get the authorization URL, and redirect your user:
$state = 'your-random-secret-state';
header(sprintf('Location: %s', $api->oauth()->getAuthorizationUri(true, $state)));
* after successfull authorization, user will be refirected to your
* redirect_uri with state and code as query parameters
// verify the state and fetch token
if ($state !== $_GET['state'] ?? null) {
throw new Exception('CSRF?!');
$token = $api->oauth()->fetchTokenWithCode($_GET['code']);
// create TokenRepository object
$tokenRepository = new FileTokenRepository(
__DIR__ . '/tokens'
* You can invent your own TokenRepository, just implement
* Imper86\PhpAllegroApi\Oauth\TokenRepositoryInterface
* You can use your DB, Redis, or anything you want.
// now you can add AuthenticationPlugin, which will take care
// of maintaining your tokens
$api->addPlugin(new AuthenticationPlugin($tokenRepository, $api->oauth()));
// * note: of course you can use your own plugin, or AuthenticationPlugin from HTTPlug library
// from now you can use these methods on AllegroApi object:
// fast example:
If you use IDE with typehinting such as PHPStorm, you'll easily figure it out. If not, please take a look in Resource directory
use Imper86\PhpAllegroApi\AllegroApi;
use Imper86\PhpAllegroApi\Model\Credentials;
use Imper86\PhpAllegroApi\Oauth\FileTokenRepository;
use Imper86\PhpAllegroApi\Plugin\AuthenticationPlugin;
// first, create Credentials object
$credentials = new Credentials(
true //is sandbox
// create api client
$api = new AllegroApi($credentials);
// Create authorization session
$session = $api->oauth()->getDeviceCode();
// Provide device code and/or url to user
echo 'Please visit: ' . $session->getVerificationUriComplete();
// Poll for authorization result
$interval = $session->getInterval();
$token = false;
do {
$device_code = $session->getDeviceCode();
$token = $api->oauth()->fetchTokenWithDeviceCode($device_code);
} catch (AuthorizationPendingException) {
} catch (SlowDownException) {
} while ($token == false);
// create TokenRepository object
$tokenRepository = new FileTokenRepository(
__DIR__ . '/tokens'
Any help will be very appreciated :)