This is a simple implementation of the classic Rock, Paper, Scissors game in Python.
Clone the Repository:
git clone <>
cd rock-paper-scissors-python
You will be prompted to enter your choice: rock, paper, or scissors.
The computer will randomly select its choice.
The winner for each round will be determined based on the classic rules:
Rock crushes Scissors
Scissors cuts Paper
Paper covers Rock
You can choose to play again after each round.
Enjoy the Game!
Welcome to Rock, Paper, Scissors!
--- Rock, Paper, Scissors --- Enter your choice:
- Rock
- Paper
- Scissors Your choice (1/2/3): 2
You chose: paper Computer chose: rock
You win!
Do you want to play again? (yes/no): yes
--- Rock, Paper, Scissors --- Enter your choice:
- Rock
- Paper
- Scissors Your choice (1/2/3): 3
You chose: scissors Computer chose: rock
Computer wins!
Do you want to play again? (yes/no): no
Thanks for playing Rock, Paper, Scissors!