Network analysis of Dash blockchain
The repository is organized in the following subfolders:
- analysis: it contains the scripts to create and analyze the transactions graph and the random graph.
- results: the folder in which results of analysis scripts are saved.
- download: it contains the scripts to download transactions data.
- data: the folder in which the downloaded data are saved.
- utilities: data handling scripts.
In the root folder there is a bash script to automatically run the code, as well as two configurations files for the script.
First, change the configuration file config.json as you wish. For example:
"directed_graph" : true,
"weighted_graph" : false,
"clustering" : true,
"fraction_samples" : [1.0],
"num_cpus" : 0,
"formula_ASPL_rnd": true,
in which num_cpus is associated to the multiprocessing and it can take two special values: 0 for all available cpus, -1 for all but one.
Then you can simply run the bash script to download and analyze the transactions of a certain day:
bash -d 2021-01-01