A listing of Home Assistant integrations with Microsoft technologies, and solutions using them.
Know of one that isn't listed? Just submit a PR to get it added.
Office 365 Integration for Home Assistant (moving towards EOL)
Microsoft 365 Calendar Integration for Home Assistant
Microsoft 365 Mail Integration for Home Assistant
Microsoft 365 Teams Integration for Home Assistant
Microsoft 365 To Do Integration for Home Assistant
Detects the authorized user's Microsoft Teams availability
Brings your Microsoft To Do tasks into Home Assistant and allows creating new tasks
Microsoft Teams Presence Status to MQTT Server to Home Assistant to LED Cube
Microsoft Edge TTS for Home Assistant
Microsoft Text-to-Speech that changes options dynamically
Azure OpenAI Conversation for Home Assistant
These are either built on top of Custom Components, or don't require them at all.
Raise your desk automatically when in a Teams call or meeting
Monitor your Teams presence updates and push them to Home Assistant
Send and receive Teams Meetings events to an MQTT Broker
Displaying multiple Fitbit accounts in Home Assistant using Azure Logic Apps