This is a collection of random stuff I have created to speed up hack the box stuff
Please check the changelog and the wiki.
Heres interesting stuff so far
- hackmode-kill-upload: Copy your ip and the path to the selected tool with a wget/curl command
- hackmode-serve-tools: Start python -m http.server at the base of
- hackmode-init: bootstrap a cookie cutter directory (ie scans, files
- searchsploit-search: search for exploits (kinda bugged)
- hackmode-pwncat: start a pwncat-cs shell (with vterm)
- f.el
- emacs-async
- vterm
- tools mentioned by function names.
- [X] describe vars
- [X] fleshout hackmode-operations
- [-] fleshout checklist
- [ ] fleshout hackmode (non emacs) interaction
- [ ] Display tool output