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Acoustic scene classification with scattering transforms and binaural data augmentation

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DCASE2016 Baseline system

Audio Research Group / Tampere University of Technology

Matlab implementation


  • Task 1 - Acoustic scene classification
  • Task 3 - Sound event detection in real life audio


Table of Contents

  1. Introduction

  2. Installation

  3. Usage

  4. System blocks

  5. System evaluation

  6. System parameters

  7. Changelog

  8. License

  9. Introduction ================================= This document describes the Python implementation of the baseline systems for the Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events 2016 (DCASE2016) challenge tasks 1 and task 3. The challenge consists of four tasks:

  10. Acoustic scene classification

  11. Sound event detection in synthetic audio

  12. Sound event detection in real life audio

  13. Domestic audio tagging

The baseline systems for task 1 and 3 shares the same basic approach: MFCC based acoustic features and GMM based classifier. The main motivation to have similar approaches for both tasks was to provide low entry level and allow easy switching between the tasks.

The dataset handling is hidden behind dataset access class, which should help DCASE challenge participants implementing their own systems.

The main baseline implementation for the DCASE2016 tasks 1 and 3 is the Python implementation. The Matlab implementation replicates the code structure of the main baseline to allow easy switching between platforms. The implementations are not intended to produce exactly the same results. The differences between implementations are due to the used libraries for MFCC extraction (RASTAMAT vs Librosa) and for GMM modeling (VOICEBOX vs scikit-learn).

1.1. Acoustic scene classification

The acoustic features include MFCC static coefficients (with 0th coefficient), delta coefficients and acceleration coefficients. The system learns one acoustic model per acoustic scene class, and does the classification with maximum likelihood classification scheme.

1.2. Sound event detection

The acoustic features include MFCC static coefficients (0th coefficient omitted), delta coefficients and acceleration coefficients. The system has a binary classifier for each sound event class included. For the classifier, two acoustic models are trained from the mixture signals: one with positive examples (target sound event active) and one with negative examples (target sound event non-active). The classification is done between these two models as likelihood ratio. Post-processing is applied to get sound event detection output.

  1. Installation ===============

The systems are developed for Matlab R2014a. Currently, the baseline system is tested only with Linux operating system.

When the baseline system is executed, the system will ensure that external libraries are installed properly. If they are not found, they are downloaded over Internet and installed under external directory.

External libraries required

  1. Usage ========

For each task there is separate function (.m file):

  1. task1_scene_classification.m, Acoustic scene classification
  2. task3_sound_event_detection_in_real_life_audio.m, Real life audio sound event detection

Each system has two operating modes: Development mode and Challenge mode.

The system parameters are defined in task1_scene_classification.yaml and task3_sound_event_detection_in_real_life_audio.yaml.

With default parameter settings, the system will download needed dataset from Internet and extract it under directory data (storage path is controlled with parameter path->data).

Development mode

In this mode, the system is trained and evaluated with the development dataset. This is the default operating mode.

To run the system in this mode:

>> task1_scene_classification();


>> task1_scene_classification('development');

Challenge mode

In this mode, the system is trained with the provided development dataset and the evaluation dataset is run through the developed system. Output files are generated in correct format for the challenge submission. The system ouput is saved in the path specified with the parameter: path->challenge_results.

To run the system in this mode:

>> task1_scene_classification('challenge');
  1. System blocks ================

The system implements following blocks:

  1. Dataset initialization
  • Downloads the dataset from the Internet if needed
  • Extracts the dataset package if needed
  • Makes sure that the meta files are appropriately formated
  1. Feature extraction (do_feature_extraction)
  • Goes through all the training material and extracts the acoustic features
  • Features are stored file-by-file on the local disk (pickle files)
  1. Feature normalization (do_feature_normalization)
  • Goes through the training material in evaluation folds, and calculates global mean and std of the data.
  • Stores the normalization factors (pickle files)
  1. System training (do_system_training)
  • Trains the system
  • Stores the trained models and feature normalization factors together on the local disk (pickle files)
  1. System testing (do_system_testing)
  • Goes through the testing material and does the classification / detection
  • Stores the results (text files)
  1. System evaluation (do_system_evaluation)
  • Reads the ground truth and the output of the system and calculates evaluation metrics
  1. System evaluation ====================

Task 1 - Acoustic scene classification


The scoring of acoustic scene classification will be based on classification accuracy: the number of correctly classified segments among the total number of segments. Each segment is considered an independent test sample.


TUT Acoustic scenes 2016, development set


Evaluation setup

  • 4 cross-validation folds, average classification accuracy over folds
  • 15 acoustic scene classes
  • Classification unit: one file (30 seconds of audio).

System parameters

  • Frame size: 40 ms (with 50% hop size)
  • Number of Gaussians per acoustic scene class model: 16
  • Feature vector: 20 MFCC static coefficients (including 0th) + 20 delta MFCC coefficients + 20 acceleration MFCC coefficients = 60 values
Scene Accuracy
Beach 71.9 %
Bus 62.0 %
Cafe/restaurant 83.9 %
Car 75.7 %
City center 85.6 %
Forest path 65.9 %
Grocery store 76.6 %
Home 79.4 %
Library 61.3 %
Metro station 85.2 %
Office 96.1 %
Park 24.4 %
Residential area 75.4 %
Train 36.7 %
Tram 89.5 %
Overall accuracy 71.3 %

Task 3 - Real life audio sound event detection


Segment-based metrics

Segment based evaluation is done in a fixed time grid, using segments of one second length to compare the ground truth and the system output.

  • Total error rate (ER) is the main metric for this task. Error rate as defined in Poliner2007 will be evaluated in one-second segments over the entire test set.

  • F-score is calculated over all test data based on the total number of false positive, false negatives and true positives.

Event-based metrics

Event-based evaluation considers true positives, false positives and false negatives with respect to event instances.

Definition: An event in the system output is considered correctly detected if its temporal position is overlapping with the temporal position of an event with the same label in the ground truth. A tolerance is allowed for the onset and offset (200 ms for onset and 200 ms or half length for offset)

  • Error rate calculated as described in Poliner2007 over all test data based on the total number of insertions, deletions and substitutions.

  • F-score is calculated over all test data based on the total number of false positive, false negatives and true positives.

Detailed description of metrics can be found from DCASE2016 website.


TUT Sound events 2016, development set


Evaluation setup

  • 4 cross-validation folds

System parameters

  • Frame size: 40 ms (with 50% hop size)
  • Number of Gaussians per sound event model (positive and negative): 16
  • Feature vector: 20 MFCC static coefficients (excluding 0th) + 20 delta MFCC coefficients + 20 acceleration MFCC coefficients = 60 values
  • Decision_threshold: 120

Segment based metrics - overall

Scene ER ER / S ER / D ER / I F1
Home 0.99 0.16 0.73 0.10 16.2 %
Residential area 0.86 0.13 0.61 0.12 34.6 %
Average **0.92 ** 25.4 %

Segment based metrics - class-wise

Scene ER F1
Home 1.17 12.0 %
Residential area 1.16 19.9 %
Average **1.16 ** 16.0 %

Event based metrics - overall

Scene ER F1
Home 1.44 1.8 %
Residential area 2.33 1.6 %
Average **1.84 ** 1.5 %

Event based metrics - class-wise

Scene ER F1
Home 1.48 1.9
Residential area 2.11 0.8 %
Average **1.80 ** 1.4 %
  1. System parameters ==================== All the parameters are set in task1_scene_classification.yaml, and task3_sound_event_detection_in_real_life_audio.yaml.

Controlling the system flow

The blocks of the system can be controlled through the configuration file. Usually all of them can be kept on.

  initialize: true
  extract_features: true
  feature_normalizer: true
  train_system: true
  test_system: true
  evaluate_system: true

General parameters

The selection of used dataset.

  development_dataset: TUTSoundEvents_2016_DevelopmentSet
  challenge_dataset: TUTSoundEvents_2016_EvaluationSet

  overwrite: false                                          # Overwrite previously stored data 

development_dataset: TUTSoundEvents_2016_DevelopmentSet : The dataset handler class used while running the system in development mode. If one wants to handle a new dataset, inherit a new class from the Dataset class (src/dataset/DatasetBase.m).

challenge_dataset: TUTSoundEvents_2016_EvaluationSet : The dataset handler class used while running the system in challenge mode. If one wants to handle a new dataset, inherit a new class from the Dataset class (src/dataset/DatasetBase.m).

Available dataset handler classes:

DCASE 2016

  • TUTAcousticScenes_2016_DevelopmentSet
  • TUTAcousticScenes_2016_EvaluationSet
  • TUTSoundEvents_2016_DevelopmentSet
  • TUTSoundEvents_2016_EvaluationSet

DCASE 2013

  • DCASE2013_Scene_DevelopmentSet
  • DCASE2013_Scene_EvaluationSet

overwrite: false : Switch to allow the system always to overwrite existing data on disk.

System paths

This section contains the storage paths.

  data: data/

  base: system/baseline_dcase2016_task1/
  features: features/
  feature_normalizers: feature_normalizers/
  models: acoustic_models/
  results: evaluation_results/

  challenge_results: challenge_submission/task_1_acoustic_scene_classification/

These parameters defines the folder-structure to store acoustic features, feature normalization data, acoustic models and evaluation results.

data: data/ : Defines the path where the dataset data is downloaded and stored. Path can be relative or absolute.

base: system/baseline_dcase2016_task1/ : Defines the base path where the system stores the data. Other paths are stored under this path. If specified directory does not exist it is created. Path can be relative or absolute.

challenge_results: challenge_submission/task_1_acoustic_scene_classification/ : Defines where the system output is stored while running the system in challenge mode.

Feature extraction

This section contains the feature extraction related parameters.

  fs: 44100
  win_length_seconds: 0.04
  hop_length_seconds: 0.02

  include_mfcc0: true           #
  include_delta: true           #
  include_acceleration: true    #

    n_mfcc: 20                  # Number of MFCC coefficients
    n_mels: 40                  # Number of MEL bands used
    n_fft: 2048                 # FFT length
    fmin: 0                     # Minimum frequency when constructing MEL bands
    fmax: 22050                 # Maximum frequency when constructing MEL band

    width: 9

    width: 9

fs: 44100 : Default sampling frequency. If given dataset does not fulfill this criteria the audio data is resampled.

win_length_seconds: 0.04 : Feature extraction frame length in seconds.

hop_length_seconds: 0.02 : Feature extraction frame hop-length in seconds.

include_mfcc0: true : Switch to include zeroth coefficient of static MFCC in the feature vector

include_delta: true : Switch to include delta coefficients to feature vector. Zeroth MFCC is always included in the delta coefficients. The width of delta-window is set in mfcc_delta->width: 9

include_acceleration: true : Switch to include acceleration (delta-delta) coefficients to feature vector. Zeroth MFCC is always included in the delta coefficients. The width of acceleration-window is set in mfcc_acceleration->width: 9

mfcc->n_mfcc: 16 : Number of MFCC coefficients

mfcc->fmax: 22050 : Maximum frequency for MEL band. Usually, this is set to a half of the sampling frequency.


This section contains the frame classification related parameters.

  method: gmm                   # The system supports only gmm
  parameters: !!null            # Parameters are copied from classifier_parameters based on defined method

    n_components: 16            # Number of Gaussian components
    min_covar: 0.001
    n_iter: 40

classifier_parameters->gmm->n_components: 16 : Number of Gaussians used in the modeling.

In order to add new classifiers to the system, add parameters under classifier_parameters with new tag. Set classifier->method and add appropriate code where classifier_method variable is used system block API (look into do_system_training and do_system_testing methods). In addition to this, one might want to modify filename methods (get_model_filename and get_result_filename) to allow multiple classifier methods co-exist in the system.


This section contains the sound event detection related parameters.

  decision_threshold: 120.0
  smoothing_window_length: 1.0  # seconds
  minimum_event_length: 0.1     # seconds
  minimum_event_gap: 0.1        # seconds

decision_threshold: 120.0 : Decision threshold used to do final classification. This can be used to control the sensitivity of the system. With log-likelihoods: event_activity = (positive - negative) > decision_threshold

smoothing_window_length: 1.0 : Size of sliding accumulation window (in seconds) used before frame-wise classification decision

minimum_event_length: 0.1 : Minimum length (in seconds) of outputted events. Events with shorter length than given are filtered out from the system output.

minimum_event_gap: 0.1 : Minimum gap (in seconds) between events from same event class in the output. Consecutive events (event with same event label) having shorter gaps between them than set parameter are merged together.

  1. Changelog ============

1.0 / 2016-02-14

  • Initial commit
  1. License ==========

See file EULA.pdf


Acoustic scene classification with scattering transforms and binaural data augmentation






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