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Building LÖVE for Android Android Studio

Miku AuahDark edited this page May 1, 2022 · 4 revisions

Building LÖVE for Android - Android Studio

This guide will show you how to build LÖVE for Android using Android Studio. Android Studio is supported on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Install and Configure Android Studio

If you haven't already, install Android Studio from here.

Open up the SDK Manager (under configure) and check (if not already checked) the following:

Under SDK Platforms:

  • Android 12 [API 31]

Under SDK Tools:

  • Android SDK Platform-Tools
  • Android SDK Tools
  • Support Repository -> Android Support Repository
  • NDK, specifically version 21.3.6528147

Note: If you're building for LÖVE 0.10.2, you may have to use older Android Studio and use NDK r14b as their build scripts haven't updated for latest NDK.

Note: If there's discrepancy between SDK/NDK version listed between this wiki, the readme, and LÖVE Wiki, then the highest SDK/NDK version applies!

Go ahead and apply, and it will take some time to download these packages.

Import love-android

If you haven't downloaded love-android, do it now. Use git to clone this project (see Important notices at the readme).

Next, import the project using the "Import Project (Gradle, Eclipse, ADT, etc.)" from the "Welcome to Android Studio" window.

Wait until the sync finishes.

Game Packaging and Building

Package the game using according to Game Packaging.

The output APK will be app/build/outputs/apk/<flavor>/debug/*.apk.