Bruske for Texas tax report
This small system creates a Report of Texas Taxes which report taxes owed to the State of Texas on sales made by the company in the state of Texas on a monthly basis. The report was originally created to fillin a standard form dictated by the state and is transmited at the end of each month. The system orginally converted cobol files (Custfile, Aropnfil) into a MySql data base tables but was switched over to Sqlite3 because there really was no need for network access to the datafiles.
date -- contains the cobol binary files which are downloaded from an Old Wang mini-computer which continues to run their accounting, order entry, inventory, and sales history.
fd -- contains the cobol copy books for the files necessary and corresponding python code labled as .fd which are created by a python program located in the src directory.
sql -- contains some old sql used to test out some sql stuff which eventually was incorporated into various python programs
src -- contains all of the python program used to create the the Texas Tax Report. - program that reads in a cobol copybook fd and create a python list. - is a python module and consist of class objects used for converting binary files into
Sqlite3 tables. - converts the ar open file from binary to aropnfil table in Sqlite3 - converts the customer file binary to custfile table in Sqlite3 - runs several sql command to create a table used to create the report. - create the actual report in pdf formate using reportlab library.
The only real interesting part of the code is in the which unpacks what is essentially a cobol comp-3 field
or packed decimal field. I found the code in a perl script and re-wrote it in python - google is your friend.