UPTo - A personal collection of potentially generally Useful Python Tools.
The ComposeRouter class allows to route attributes access for registered methods through a functional pipeline constructed from components. The pipeline is only triggered if a registered method is accessed via the ComposeRouter namespace.
from upto import ComposeRouter
class Foo:
route = ComposeRouter(lambda x: x + 1, lambda y: y * 2)
def method(self, x, y):
return x * y
foo = Foo()
print(foo.method(2, 3)) # 6
print(foo.route.method(2, 3)) # 13
The CurryModel constructor allows to sequentially initialize (curry) a Pydantic model.
from upto import CurryModel
class MyModel(BaseModel):
x: str
y: int
z: tuple[str, int]
curried_model = CurryModel(MyModel)
model_instance = curried_model(z=("3", 4))
CurryModel instances are recursive so it is also possible to do this:
curried_model_2 = CurryModel(MyModel)
model_instance_2 = curried_model_2(x="1")(y=2)(z=("3", 4))
Currying turns a function of arity n into at most n functions of arity 1 and at least 1 function of arity n (and everything in between), so you can also do e.g. this:
curried_model_3 = CurryModel(MyModel)
model_instance_3 = curried_model_3(x="1", y=2)(z=("3", 4))
The init_model_from_kwargs
constructor allows to initialize (potentially nested) models from (flat) kwargs.
class SimpleModel(BaseModel):
x: int
y: int = 3
class NestedModel(BaseModel):
a: str
b: SimpleModel
class ComplexModel(BaseModel):
p: str
q: NestedModel
# p='p value' q=NestedModel(a='a value', b=SimpleModel(x=1, y=2))
model_instance_1 = init_model_from_kwargs(
ComplexModel, x=1, y=2, a="a value", p="p value"
# p='p value' q=NestedModel(a='a value', b=SimpleModel(x=1, y=3))
model_instance_2 = init_model_from_kwargs(
ComplexModel, p="p value", q=NestedModel(a="a value", b=SimpleModel(x=1))
# p='p value' q=NestedModel(a='a value', b=SimpleModel(x=1, y=3))
model_instance_3 = init_model_from_kwargs(
ComplexModel, p="p value", q=init_model_from_kwargs(NestedModel, a="a value", x=1)