(play on words: from "Cliffhanger")
It generates Video previews in GIF or Video format. To use this library you need ffmpeg executable installed
composer require jackal/giffhanger
Minimal example
$giffhanger = new Giffhanger('/path/to/video/file',[
'output_dimension' => 320
//to generate gif
//to generate video
- resize_width: resize width (in pixels) of the output file [default: 640]
- crop_ratio: crop the video following the value passed [default crop is not applied]
- temp_dir: define the temp directory used to generate the output file [default is system temp directory]
- frames: number of "pieces" taken to build the preview [default is 3]
- duration: duration (in seconds) of the preview [default is 6]
- bitrate: bitrate of the video (used only in case of mp4 output) [default 600]
- frame_rate: framerate of the output [default 10]