A simple PHP libraty to manipulate images, it support GIF, PNG and JPG
PHP >= 5.6 with GD support *For some additional features (for example image distortion) ImageMagick binaries are required.
Install library with composer
composer require jackal/image-merge
$imageMerge = new ImageMerge();
$imageBuilder = $imageMerge->getBuilder('/path/to/my/file.png'); #or URL, or resource, or binary content
Get the image content directly to the output
echo $imageBuilder->getImage()->toPNG()->getContent();
Save image to path
Get image Response object (Compatible with Symgony projects)
return $imageBuilder->getImage()->toPNG()
At least one parameter is required In case just one parameter is passed, it will resize maintaining the aspect ratio of the image
If both parameters are passed, it could stretch the image
Similar to Resize
but in case the aspect ratio is not respected, it will crop the image (using cropCenter
Rotate the image (counterclockwise)
*In case of particular angle (30, 45, etc..) it will create blank area to fill the empty spaces
Add a graysclae filter to the image
Adjusts the brightness of the image
Adds blur effect on the image
Adds "Pixel" effect on the image
Crop Crop the image according to the x and y coords and the output dimention passed
$point_x = 10,
$point_y = 15;
$width = 50,
$height = 50;
Crop at the center of the image according to the width and height of the output image
$width = 50,
$height = 50;
It adds border to the image (fill inside the rect)
$stroke = 20;
$colorHex = '3399ff';
It adds text inside the image
$text = new Jackal\ImageMerge\Model\Text\Text('this is the text', Font::arial(), 12, new Color('ABCDEF'));
$builder->addText($text, 10, 20);
It adds a square (color-filled) on the image
$builder->addSquare(10, 10, 20, 20, 'ABCDEF');
- Luca Giacalone (AKA JackalOne)
This project is licensed under the MIT License