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Hercules Battlegrounds

This project is a full conversion and enhancement of eAmod's Battlegrounds system into an easy-to-install HerculesWS/Hercules plugin library.



  1. Place plugin files in plugin directory.
  1. Place all script files in the default directory provided in the repository.
  2. Import all provided database and config parts in their respective files.
  3. in conf/plugins.conf add "hBG".
  4. Start your server.

Important Steps

  • Make sure SQL files are imported into your database.
  • Make sure to rebuild your mapcache.
  • Configure your settings in conf/map/battle/hBG.conf


Available Battleground Modes
  • Capture the Flag

  • Eye of Storm

  • Triple Inferno

  • Team DeathMatch

  • Bossnia

  • Conquest

  • Stone Control

  • Domination

  • Rush

  • Free For All

Script Commands

hBG_team_create(<map_name>, <map_x>, <map_y>, <guild_index>, <logout_event>, <die_event>)

: Creates a new battleground team.

  • map_name is a string argument.
  • map_x (int) co-ordinate.
  • map_y (int) co-ordinate.
  • guild_index (int) index of the battleground guild. (1-13)
  • logout_event (int) the npc event called when a player logs out. (used for cleanups)
  • die_event (string) the npc event called when a player dies.
  • @return (int) team id on success, 0 on failure.

hBG_queue_create(<queue_name>, <join_event> {,<min_level>}) : Creates a new queue.

  • queue_name (int) name of the queue.
  • join_event (string) event called when a player joins a queue.
  • min_level (optional int) minimum level to join a queue.
  • @return (int) queue id on success, 0 on failure.

hBG_queue_event(<queue_id>, <join_event>) : Sets the event for a queue called when a player joins.

  • queue_id (int) id of the queue.
  • join_event (string) npc event called when a player joins a queue.
  • @return (int) 0 on failure, 1 on success

hBG_queue_join(<queue_id>) : Makes the attached player join a queue.

  • queue_id (int) id of the queue
  • @return (int) 0 on failure, position in queue on success.

hBG_queue_partyjoin(<party_id>, <queue_id>) : Adds a party into a queue.

  • party_id (int) Id of the party joining the queue.
  • queue_id (int) Id of the queue to be joined.
  • @return (int) 0 on failure, 1 on success.

hBG_queue_leave(<queue_id>) : Makes the attached player leave a queue.

  • queue_id (int) Id of the queue to be left.
  • @return (int) 0 on failure, 1 on success.

hBG_queue_data(<queue_id>, <info_type>) : Retrieves information of a particular queue.

  • queue_id (int) Id of the queue.
  • info_type (int) Information types (0 - User Count | 1 - Copies user names to an array variable $@qmembers$)
  • @return (int) 0 on failure, 1 on success.

hBG_queue2team(<queue_id>, <max_team_members>, <respawn_map>, <respawn_x>, <respawn_y>, <guild_index>, <logout_event>, <die_event>) : Creates a new battleground team with all the users in queue.

  • queue_id (int) Id of the queue.
  • max_team_members (int) Maximum amount of members in a team.
  • respawn_map (string) Map name to respawn in.
  • respawn_x (int) X co-ordinate of the respawn_map.
  • respawn_y (int) Y co-ordinate of the respawn_map.
  • guild_index (int) Index of the BG Guild to join. (1-13)
  • logout_event (string) NPC event called on player logout.
  • die_event (string) NPC event called on player death.
  • @return (int) 0 on failure, bg_id on success.

hBG_queue2team_single(<queue_id>, <bg_id>, <map_name>, <map_x>, <map_y>) : Makes a single player from a queue join a battleground.

  • queue_id (int) Id of the queue.
  • bg_id (int) Id of the battleground.
  • map_name (string) Name of the map
  • map_x (int) X co-ordinate of the map.
  • map_y (int) Y co-ordinate of the map.
  • @return (int) 0 on failure, 1 on success.

hBG_queue2teams(<queue_id>, <min_players>, <max_players>, , <team_1>, <team_2> {,...<team_13>}) : Builds BG Teams from a queue.

  • queue_id (int) Id of a queue.
  • min_players (int) Minimum amount of players per team.
  • max_players (int) Maximum amount of players per team.
  • type (int) Team building method (0 --- Lineal [allows party queueing] | 1 --- Randomized )
  • team_1 (int) Battleground Team Id 1 (required)
  • team_2 (int) Battleground Team Id 2 (required)
  • ... team_13 (int) Battleground Team Id 13 (optional teams up to 13)
  • @return (int) 0 on failure, 1 on success.

hBG_queue_checkstart(<queue_id>, , <total_teams>, <min_players>) : Checks if the given BG queue can start a BG in the given mode.

  • queue_id (int) Id of a queue.
  • type (int) Type of queue building method. (0 -- Lineal | 1 -- Randomized)
  • total_teams (int) Total number of teams competing in the Battleground.
  • min_players (int) Minimum required players per team.
  • @return (int) 0 if not ready to start, 1 if not.

hBG_balance_teams(<queue_id>, <max_players>, , <team_1>, <team_2>{, ... <team_13>}) : Fills the teams with members from the given queue.

  • queue_id (int) Id of a queue.
  • max_payers (int) Maximum players for the team.
  • type (int) Balancing type method to be used. (0 - Equality | 1 - Class Balance -- not supported yet)
  • team_1 .. team_13 (int) Team IDs to balance.
  • @return (int) 0 on failure, 1 on success.

hBG_waitingroom2bg(<map_name>, <map_x>, <map_y>, <guild_index>, <logout_event>, <die_event>) : Creates a battleground team from players in a waiting room.

  • map_name (string) Name of the battleground map.
  • map_x (int) X co-ordinate warp point on the map.
  • map_y (int) Y co-ordinate warp point on the map.
  • guild_index (int) battleground guild index (1-13)
  • logout_event (string) NPC Event called when a player logs out inside a BG.
  • die_event (string) NPC Event called when player dies in a BG.
  • @return (int) 0 on failure, battleground Id on success.

hBG_waitingroom2bg_single(<team_id>, <map_name>, <map_x>, <map_y>, <npc_name>) : Adds the first player from the npc's waiting room into a BG team.

  • team_id (int) Id of the battleground team.
  • map_name (int) Name of the map.
  • map_x (int) X co-ordinate of the warp point on the map.
  • map_y (int) Y co-ordinate of the warp point on the map.
  • npc_name (string) Name of the npc.
  • @return (int) 0 on failure, 1 on success.

hBG_team_setxy(<team_id>, <map_x>, <map_y>) : Sets the respawn location of a team on the battleground map.

  • team_id (int) Id of the battleground team.
  • x (int) X co-ordinate on the map.
  • y (int) Y co-ordinate on the map. @return (int) 0 on failure, 1 on success.

hBG_team_reveal(<team_id>) : Reveals the location of a BG Team on the mini-map.

  • team_id (int) Id of the battleground team. @return (int) 0 on failure, 1 on success

hBG_team_conceal(<team_id>) : Conceals the location of a BG Team from the mini-map.

  • team_id (int) Id of the battleground team. @return (int) 0 on failure, 1 on success.

hBG_team_setquest(<team_id>, <quest_id>) : Sets a quest for a given battleground team.

  • team_id (int) Id of the battleground team.
  • quest_id (int) Id of the quest. @return (int) 0 on failure, 1 on success.

hBG_viewpointmap(<map_name>, , <map_x>, <map_y>, <viewpoint_id>, ) : Sets a viewpoint indicator for an npc that calls this function, on the minimap of all players in the map.

  • map_name (int) Name of the map.
  • type (int) Viewpoint Types (0 - Display for 15 seconds | 1 - display until dead or teleported | 2 - Remove Viewpoint)
  • x (int) X co-ordinate on the mini-map.
  • y (int) Y co-orindate on the mini-map.
  • viewpoint_id (int) Unique Id of the viewpoint.
  • color (int) Color of the viewpoint. (0x00RRGGBB)
  • @return 0 on failure, 1 on success.

hBG_monster_reveal(, , ) : Reveals a monster's location on the minimap.

  • gid (int) GID of the monster.
  • type (int) Viewpoint Types (0 - Display for 15 seconds | 1 - display until dead or teleported | 2 - Remove Viewpoint)
  • color (int) Color of the viewpoint. (0x00RRGGBB)
  • @return 0 on failure, 1 on success.

hBG_monster_set_team(, <team_id>) : Adds a monster to a battleground team.

  • gid (int) GID of the monster.
  • team_id (int) Id of the battleground team.
  • @return 0 on failure, 1 on success.

hBG_monster_immunity(, ) : Sets an immunity state from damage on a monster.

  • gid (int) GID of the monster.
  • flag (int) 0 = off | 1 = On
  • @return 0 on failure, 1 on success.

hBG_leave() : Makes the attached player leave a battleground team.

  • @return 0 on failure, 1 on success.

hBG_destroy(<team_id>) : Destroys/Deletes battleground team.

  • team_id (int) Battleground team Id.
  • @return 0 on failure, 1 on success.

hBG_clean(<team_id>) : Cleans/Removes all players from a Battleground Team.

  • team_id (int) Battleground team Id.
  • @return 0 on failure, 1 on success.

hBG_getareausers(<team_id>, <map_name>, <map_x1>, <map_y1>, <map_x2>, <map_y2>) : Gets the user count within an area in a Battleground map.

  • map_name (string) Name of the battleground map.
  • x1 (int)
  • y1 (int)
  • x2 (int)
  • y2 (int)
  • @return number of players within the area, or 0 on failure.

hBG_updatescore(<map_name>, <lion_score>, <eagle_score>) : Update the score on a battleground map.

  • map_name (string) Name of the Battleground map.
  • lion_score (int) Score for the lion Icon on the map.
  • eagle_score (int) Score for the eagle Icon on the map.
  • @return 0 on failure, 1 on success.

hBG_team_updatescore(<team_id>, ) : Updates the score for a battleground team.

  • team_id (int) Id of the battleground team.
  • score (int) Score of the team.
  • @return 0 on failure, 1 on success.

hBG_get_team_gid(<team_id>) : Retrieves the guild index of a battleground team

  • team_id (int) Id of the battleground team.
  • @return guild index of a battleground team, or 0 on failure.

hBG_get_data(<team_id>, ) : Retrieve information of a battleground team.

  • team_id (int) Id of the battleground team.
  • type (int) Types -
    • 0 -- (int) User Count
    • 1 -- (var) Fill variable $@bgmembers$ array with user list and return count
    • 2 -- (string) Team Name
    • 3 -- (string) Team Master Name
    • 4 -- Chat color of the Team. -- @return data or 0 on failure.

hBG_getitem(<team_id>, <item_id>, ) : Gives an Item x amount to a battleground team.

  • team_id (int) ID of the battleground team.
  • item_id (int) Id of the item.
  • amount (int) Amount of the item.
  • @return 0 on failure, amount on success.

hBG_getkafrapoints(<team_id>, <kafra_points>) : Gives a battleground team kafra points.

  • team_id (int) ID of the battleground team.
  • kafra_points (int) Kafra points to be given.
  • @return 0 on failure, kafra_points on success.

hBG_reward(<team_id>, <item_id>, <item_amount>, <kafra_points>, <quest_id>, <custom_variable>, <variable_value>, <bg_arena>, <bg_result>) : Gives rewards and sets other data for the members of a battleground team.

  • team_id (int) ID of the battleground team.
  • item_id (int) Id of the item.
  • amount (int) Amount of the item.
  • kafra_points (int) Kafra points to be given.
  • quest_id (int) Quest Id to be set.
  • custom_variable (var reference) A variable to add for the members (eg. #KAFRAPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS etc...)
  • variable_value (int) amount for the custom_variable to be added.
  • bg_arena (int) Arena Id of the BG (0 EoS | 1 Boss | 2 TI | 3 CTF | 4 TD | 5 SC | 6 CON | 7 RUSH | 8 DOM)
  • bg_result (int) Result of the Battleground (0 Won | 1 Tie | 2 Lost)
  • @return 0 on failure, 1 on success.

hBG_flooritem2xy(<map_name>, <map_x>, <map_y>, <item_id>, <item_amount>) : Adds an item on the floor of a map and it's given co-ordinates. Arguments are self-explanatory :D

@joinbg - join a bg queue.
@leavebg - leave a bg queue.
@reportafk - Report an AFK player.
@bgstart - Enable battleground rotation and send an announcement as a GM.
@bgstop - Disable battleground rotation and send an announcement as a GM.


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Smokexyz / sagunkho

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GNU GPL V3, 29 June 2007


This is eAmod's Battleground plugin for HerculesWS/Hercules







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