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AWS X-Ray Workshop

Welcome to the AWS X-Ray workshop. In this workshop, you will manage a web application using AWS Elastic Beanstalk, that will integrate with various AWS services as well as remote HTTP calls in which you will be able to understand every interaction that happens from client to server.


You are weeks away from launching your new start up so you've decided to create a landing page to track interest from the market. Whenever a new person adds their interest, you wants to save their details, get an email notification as well as integrating that event with an external API.

Current Challenges

The architecture for your application makes use of microservices and managed services when possible in order to remain agile and have a fast go to market strategy. The benefits of such a decentralized architecture are clear but you're starting to realize that tracking errors and potential issues is becoming a really hard thing to do. You want to keep using this approach but also have more clarity with the ins and outs of your application.

Questions about your app

  • How long is my database operation taking?
  • What was the error that caused data not being persisted?
  • What other services is a downstream API calling?
  • How many services is a particular request calling
  • From a single request which component is the slowest
  • Many more...

Why AWS X-Ray

  • Trivial set up in both cloud or on-premises scenarios
  • Fully managed in certain contexts (AWS Beanstalk, AWS Lambda)
  • Native integration with AWS services
  • Ability to track downstream HTTP(s) calls
  • End to end request tracing (from client to server)



Step 1 - IAM Creation

In this step you will create the necessary IAM roles for your web application.

To do so, cd into the root of this repository and run the following commands

aws iam create-role --assume-role-policy-document file://iam-trust-relationship.json --role-name aws-beanstalk-workshop-role

aws iam put-role-policy --role-name aws-beanstalk-workshop-role --policy-name aws-beanstalk-workshop-policy --policy-document file://iam-policy-document.json

aws iam create-instance-profile --instance-profile-name aws-beanstalk-workshop-profile

aws iam add-role-to-instance-profile --instance-profile-name aws-beanstalk-workshop-profile --role-name aws-beanstalk-workshop-role

Step 2 - Application configuration

Navigate into the beanstalk resource configuration folder (cd app/.ebextensions).

In the options.config file, find the XrayReinventBuilderEmail key and add your email addess to be able to receive email notifications!


    XrayReinventBuilderEmail: TODO_REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_EMAIL


    XrayReinventBuilderEmail: [email protected]

Step 3 - Install application dependencies

Navigate into the app folder and install the dependencies with the following command

npm install

Step 4 - Create the AWS Elastic Beanstalk application

Note: If you have deleted the default VPC the creationg will fail. You would need to update the options.config file in order to specify a different VPC (Example below). Documentation

Navigate into the app folder and initialize your app with the following commands

eb init --region us-east-1 --platform node.js xray-reinvent-builder

eb create -ip aws-beanstalk-workshop-profile

Enter an environment name, you can keep the default xray-reinvent-builder-dev and then enter a unique DNS CNAME prefix.

Select 1) classic as our load balancer type.

While the stack is creating you should receive an email to confirm the subscription to the SNS topic. Confirm it so you can receive emails coming from the app.

Example custom VPC

      VPCId: vpc-087a68c03b9c50c84
      AssociatePublicIpAddress: 'true'
      ELBScheme: public
      ELBSubnets: subnet-0fe6b36bcb0ffc462,subnet-032fe3068297ac5b2
      Subnets: subnet-0fe6b36bcb0ffc462,subnet-032fe3068297ac5b2

Step 5 - Open the application

In the same app folder run

eb open



Step 1 - Terminate the AWS Elastic Beanstalk application

In the app folder run and enter your application name (default is xray-reinvent-builder)

eb terminate --all

Step 2 - Remove IAM roles and instance profiles

aws iam remove-role-from-instance-profile --instance-profile-name aws-beanstalk-workshop-profile --role-name aws-beanstalk-workshop-role

aws iam delete-role-policy --role-name aws-beanstalk-workshop-role --policy-name aws-beanstalk-workshop-policy

aws iam delete-role --role-name aws-beanstalk-workshop-role

aws iam delete-instance-profile --instance-profile-name aws-beanstalk-workshop-profile


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