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Older development version of morphen
was moved to https://github.com/lucatelli/morphen_dev.
Readme file under development!
puts together a collection of Python-based astronomical functionalities for image
analysis and processing.
The development version of morphen
is available at: morphen_dev
A major change in the code base is underway, and each one of the functionalities in the repository aforementioned will be migrated to individual repositories soon. In the meantime, all tasks can be executed through this repository.
Currently, there is no option to install morphen
(via pip
or conda
However, installation and usage are straightforward. The code can be used as a module,
interactively via Jupyter notebooks,
or via the command line interface (see "Important notes" below). For now, we recommend
using it via Jupyter notebooks using the set of provided examples within docs/.
To install morphen
, clone the repository and install using conda through the environment.yml
git clone https://github.com/lucatelli/morphen.git
cd morphen
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate morphen
See (docs/install_instructions.md) for manual
step-by-step installation instructions. There is also a experimental (manual) option
to install morphen
on Mac OS with arm64
architecture (M* chips).
An experimental environment_mac.yml
file is available for this purpose. In principle (once
and miniconda
are installed), the creation of the morphen
environment should be
symply done by:
arch -x86_64 conda env create -f environment_mac.yml