estatsd is a simple stats aggregation service that periodically dumps data to Graphite:
NB: Graphite is good, despite the website being a bit ghetto.
Inspired heavily by etsy statsd:
- Graphite (or use the included dummy server via "make graphite")
- Erlang
- Rebar (on your path)
- make
- make go
- estatsd:increment(foo, 123).
- Observe graphite now has 1 data point.
Add this app to your rebar deps, and make sure it's started somehow eg: application:start(estatsd).
You can configure custom graphite host/port and flush interval using application environment vars. See estatsd_sup for details.
The following calls to estatsd are all gen_server:cast, ie non-blocking.
estatsd:gauge(temperature, 45). %% set temperature to 45
estatsd:increment(num_foos). %% increment num_foos by one
estatsd:decrement(<<"num_bars">>, 3). %% decrement num_bars by 3
estatsd:increment("tcp.bytes_in", 512). %% increment tcp.bytes_in by 512
estatsd:timing(sometask, 1534). %% report that sometask took 1534ms
Or for your convenience:
Start = erlang:now(),
estatsd:timing(sometast, Start). %% uses now() and now_diff for you
See config_example for an example configuration
This could be extended to take a callback for reporting mechanisms. Right now it's hardcoded to stick data into graphite.
I've been running this since May 2011 in production for irccloud.
Richard Jones [email protected] @metabrew