Android library for floyd-steinberg dithering on bitmap using JNI/Cmake
For those who don't know the purpose of Floyd-Steinberg algorithm, it is a algorithm to turn color image to black and white(NOT GRAYSCALE).
When would we use this? Well, for those e-ink displays like Amazon Kindle, they can't display color images, and just black and white would still look bad, this is when this algorithm is usful.
I have tried using just java to run the algorithm, but it is slow. Not a good idea to run on main thread. This library is small and easy to use.
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.jeffreyliu8:Native-Floyd-Steinberg-Dithering:1.0.0'
A quick example is shown below:
val original = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(resources, R.drawable.lena)
val fsBitmap = Utils.floydSteinbergDithering(original)
And for just black and white image:
val bwBitmap = Utils.binaryBlackAndWhite(original)
And for gray-scale image(This is just a simple java function):
val grayBitmap = Utils.toGrayscale(original)
Requires a minimum SDK version of 14