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A clean Latex preprocessor.

1. Build Requirements

go get
go get

go generate

go get
go build

2. Usage

untex -output [destination .tex file] [source file]

If no -output is set, the output will be written to STDOUT.
This can be useful to pipe the generated LaTeX to pdflatex like so:

untex [source file] | pdflatex

3. Documentation

3.1 Templates

Templates can link to local paths or http(s) urls. If no template is set, a default one is provided from assets/default.xml.

The preamble, prefix, suffix and every attribute is rendered as a text/template with every value of the meta section available.

    <!-- translates to \documentclass[options]{type} -->
    <document type="scrartcl" options="a4paper,10pt">
            inserted at the end of the preamble
            inserted right after \begin{document}
            inserted right before \end{document}
        <!-- translates to \usepackage[options]{name} -->
        <package name="inputenc" options="utf8" />

3.2 Syntax

The root file can (and should) have a meta section. This section contains of a key-value configuration, that will be used to render the template.

template:   mytemplate.xml

title:      My first Untex document

3.2.1 Imports

Subfiles can be imported and trandformed as well.


3.2.2 Headlines

Headlines start with one to three #'s and get translated to \section, \subsection or \subsubsection respectively.

# This is a section

## This is a subsection

3.2.3 Lists

There are three types of lists, that can be nested into each other.

- This is an unordered list
    1. This is an
    3. ordered list

Red) This is a named list
    Blue) :-)

3.2.4 Plain LaTeX

Plain LaTeX can be used as is, if needed.


1 & 2 & 3


3.2.5 Inlines

In paragraphs, as well as in list items the following can be used.

*bold text*
/italic text/
$ inline math $
$$ display math $$
[link text](url)