A companion package to the SeaFlux air sea CO2 flux ensemble for observation-based data products that estimate pCO2. pySeaFlux can calculate fluxes and download data required to calculate fluxes.
For the SeaFlux data set, see https://essd.copernicus.org/preprints/essd-2021-16/ (on the verge of publication)
pip install git+https://github.com/lukegre/pySeaFlux.git
pip install pyseaflux
- Calculate sea-air fluxes using the bulk formulation
- Convert pCO2 to fCO2 and vice versa.
- Correct or adjust pCO2 for temperature changes
- Download NOAA Marine Boundary Layer xCO2 and related functions for pCO2 conversion
- Calculate the grid cell area (in m^2) for a grid of latitudes and longitudes
Project based on the cookiecutter science project template.