Thank you for considering contributing to our open source projects! We appreciate your time and effort in helping us improve.
This project and everyone participating in it are governed by our Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to maintainers.
If you encounter a bug, please create an issue with a clear and detailed description. Include steps to reproduce the bug, as well as your environment details.
We welcome ideas for new features. Before submitting a feature request, please check if there is already an existing request. If not, feel free to create a new issue and provide as much detail as possible about the proposed feature.
- Fork the repository and create your branch from
. Your branch must be named properly according to the feature you are working on. - Ensure your code follows our Coding Style.
- Make sure your commits follow the Conventional Commits specification.
- Open a pull request, referencing any related issues.
- Your pull request will be reviewed by maintainers before merging.
We use Conventional Commits for our commit messages. This helps automate the versioning process. Please follow this convention when making commits:
- feat: A new feature for the user
- fix: A bug fix for the user
- chore: Routine tasks, maintenance, and updates
- docs: Changes to documentation
- style: Code style changes (formatting, renaming)
- test: Adding or modifying tests
Example: feat: add new feature for users
Maintain code consistency by following our coding style. Refer to the Coding Style for details.
By contributing, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the LICENSE file of the specified project.