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luxu-ms committed Apr 15, 2024
1 parent a627004 commit 21586fe
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Showing 25 changed files with 1,620 additions and 0 deletions.
136 changes: 136 additions & 0 deletions Environments/AKS-Store-Demo/abbreviations.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
"analysisServicesServers": "as",
"apiManagementService": "apim-",
"appConfigurationConfigurationStores": "appcs-",
"appManagedEnvironments": "cae-",
"appContainerApps": "ca-",
"authorizationPolicyDefinitions": "policy-",
"automationAutomationAccounts": "aa-",
"blueprintBlueprints": "bp-",
"blueprintBlueprintsArtifacts": "bpa-",
"cacheRedis": "redis-",
"cdnProfiles": "cdnp-",
"cdnProfilesEndpoints": "cdne-",
"cognitiveServicesAccounts": "cog-",
"cognitiveServicesFormRecognizer": "cog-fr-",
"cognitiveServicesTextAnalytics": "cog-ta-",
"computeAvailabilitySets": "avail-",
"computeCloudServices": "cld-",
"computeDiskEncryptionSets": "des",
"computeDisks": "disk",
"computeDisksOs": "osdisk",
"computeGalleries": "gal",
"computeSnapshots": "snap-",
"computeVirtualMachines": "vm",
"computeVirtualMachineScaleSets": "vmss-",
"containerInstanceContainerGroups": "ci",
"containerRegistryRegistries": "cr",
"containerServiceManagedClusters": "aks-",
"databricksWorkspaces": "dbw-",
"dataFactoryFactories": "adf-",
"dataLakeAnalyticsAccounts": "dla",
"dataLakeStoreAccounts": "dls",
"dataMigrationServices": "dms-",
"dBforMySQLServers": "mysql-",
"dBforPostgreSQLServers": "psql-",
"devicesIotHubs": "iot-",
"devicesProvisioningServices": "provs-",
"devicesProvisioningServicesCertificates": "pcert-",
"documentDBDatabaseAccounts": "cosmos-",
"eventGridDomains": "evgd-",
"eventGridDomainsTopics": "evgt-",
"eventGridEventSubscriptions": "evgs-",
"eventHubNamespaces": "evhns-",
"eventHubNamespacesEventHubs": "evh-",
"hdInsightClustersHadoop": "hadoop-",
"hdInsightClustersHbase": "hbase-",
"hdInsightClustersKafka": "kafka-",
"hdInsightClustersMl": "mls-",
"hdInsightClustersSpark": "spark-",
"hdInsightClustersStorm": "storm-",
"hybridComputeMachines": "arcs-",
"insightsActionGroups": "ag-",
"insightsComponents": "appi-",
"keyVaultVaults": "kv-",
"kubernetesConnectedClusters": "arck",
"kustoClusters": "dec",
"kustoClustersDatabases": "dedb",
"loadTesting": "lt-",
"logicIntegrationAccounts": "ia-",
"logicWorkflows": "logic-",
"machineLearningServicesWorkspaces": "mlw-",
"managedIdentityUserAssignedIdentities": "id-",
"managementManagementGroups": "mg-",
"migrateAssessmentProjects": "migr-",
"networkApplicationGateways": "agw-",
"networkApplicationSecurityGroups": "asg-",
"networkAzureFirewalls": "afw-",
"networkBastionHosts": "bas-",
"networkConnections": "con-",
"networkDnsZones": "dnsz-",
"networkExpressRouteCircuits": "erc-",
"networkFirewallPolicies": "afwp-",
"networkFirewallPoliciesWebApplication": "waf",
"networkFirewallPoliciesRuleGroups": "wafrg",
"networkFrontDoors": "fd-",
"networkFrontdoorWebApplicationFirewallPolicies": "fdfp-",
"networkLoadBalancersExternal": "lbe-",
"networkLoadBalancersInternal": "lbi-",
"networkLoadBalancersInboundNatRules": "rule-",
"networkLocalNetworkGateways": "lgw-",
"networkNatGateways": "ng-",
"networkNetworkInterfaces": "nic-",
"networkNetworkSecurityGroups": "nsg-",
"networkNetworkSecurityGroupsSecurityRules": "nsgsr-",
"networkNetworkWatchers": "nw-",
"networkPrivateDnsZones": "pdnsz-",
"networkPrivateLinkServices": "pl-",
"networkPublicIPAddresses": "pip-",
"networkPublicIPPrefixes": "ippre-",
"networkRouteFilters": "rf-",
"networkRouteTables": "rt-",
"networkRouteTablesRoutes": "udr-",
"networkTrafficManagerProfiles": "traf-",
"networkVirtualNetworkGateways": "vgw-",
"networkVirtualNetworks": "vnet-",
"networkVirtualNetworksSubnets": "snet-",
"networkVirtualNetworksVirtualNetworkPeerings": "peer-",
"networkVirtualWans": "vwan-",
"networkVpnGateways": "vpng-",
"networkVpnGatewaysVpnConnections": "vcn-",
"networkVpnGatewaysVpnSites": "vst-",
"notificationHubsNamespaces": "ntfns-",
"notificationHubsNamespacesNotificationHubs": "ntf-",
"operationalInsightsWorkspaces": "log-",
"portalDashboards": "dash-",
"powerBIDedicatedCapacities": "pbi-",
"purviewAccounts": "pview-",
"recoveryServicesVaults": "rsv-",
"resourcesResourceGroups": "rg-",
"searchSearchServices": "srch-",
"serviceBusNamespaces": "sb-",
"serviceBusNamespacesQueues": "sbq-",
"serviceBusNamespacesTopics": "sbt-",
"serviceEndPointPolicies": "se-",
"serviceFabricClusters": "sf-",
"signalRServiceSignalR": "sigr",
"sqlManagedInstances": "sqlmi-",
"sqlServers": "sql-",
"sqlServersDataWarehouse": "sqldw-",
"sqlServersDatabases": "sqldb-",
"sqlServersDatabasesStretch": "sqlstrdb-",
"storageStorageAccounts": "st",
"storageStorageAccountsVm": "stvm",
"storSimpleManagers": "ssimp",
"streamAnalyticsCluster": "asa-",
"synapseWorkspaces": "syn",
"synapseWorkspacesAnalyticsWorkspaces": "synw",
"synapseWorkspacesSqlPoolsDedicated": "syndp",
"synapseWorkspacesSqlPoolsSpark": "synsp",
"timeSeriesInsightsEnvironments": "tsi-",
"webServerFarms": "plan-",
"webSitesAppService": "app-",
"webSitesAppServiceEnvironment": "ase-",
"webSitesFunctions": "func-",
"webStaticSites": "stapp-"
136 changes: 136 additions & 0 deletions Environments/AKS-Store-Demo/app/aks-managed-cluster.bicep
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
metadata description = 'Creates an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster with a system agent pool.'
@description('The name for the AKS managed cluster')
param name string

@description('The name of the resource group for the managed resources of the AKS cluster')
param nodeResourceGroupName string = ''

@description('The Azure region/location for the AKS resources')
param location string = resourceGroup().location

@description('Custom tags to apply to the AKS resources')
param tags object = {}

@description('Whether RBAC is enabled for local accounts')
param enableRbac bool = true

// Add-ons
@description('Whether web app routing (preview) add-on is enabled')
param webAppRoutingAddon bool = true

// AAD Integration
@description('Enable Azure Active Directory integration')
param enableAad bool = false

@description('Enable RBAC using AAD')
param enableAzureRbac bool = false

@description('The Tenant ID associated to the Azure Active Directory')
param aadTenantId string = ''

@description('The load balancer SKU to use for ingress into the AKS cluster')
@allowed([ 'basic', 'standard' ])
param loadBalancerSku string = 'standard'

@description('Network plugin used for building the Kubernetes network.')
@allowed([ 'azure', 'kubenet', 'none' ])
param networkPlugin string = 'azure'

@description('If set to true, getting static credentials will be disabled for this cluster.')
param disableLocalAccounts bool = false

@description('The managed cluster SKU.')
@allowed([ 'Free', 'Paid', 'Standard' ])
param sku string = 'Free'

@description('Configuration of AKS add-ons')
param addOns object = {}

@description('The log analytics workspace id used for logging & monitoring')
param workspaceId string = ''

@description('The node pool configuration for the System agent pool')
param systemPoolConfig object

@description('The DNS prefix to associate with the AKS cluster')
param dnsPrefix string = ''

resource aks 'Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters@2023-03-02-preview' = {
name: name
location: location
tags: tags
identity: {
type: 'SystemAssigned'
sku: {
name: 'Base'
tier: sku
properties: {
nodeResourceGroup: !empty(nodeResourceGroupName) ? nodeResourceGroupName : 'rg-mc-${name}'
dnsPrefix: empty(dnsPrefix) ? '${name}-dns' : dnsPrefix
enableRBAC: enableRbac
aadProfile: enableAad ? {
managed: true
enableAzureRBAC: enableAzureRbac
tenantID: aadTenantId
} : null
agentPoolProfiles: [
networkProfile: {
loadBalancerSku: loadBalancerSku
networkPlugin: networkPlugin
disableLocalAccounts: disableLocalAccounts && enableAad
addonProfiles: addOns
workloadIdentity: {
enabled: true
oidcIssuerProfile: {
enabled: true

var aksDiagCategories = [

// TODO: Update diagnostics to be its own module
// Blocking issue:
// Unable to pass in a `resource` scope or unable to use string interpolation in resource types
resource diagnostics 'Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings@2021-05-01-preview' = if (!empty(workspaceId)) {
name: 'aks-diagnostics'
scope: aks
properties: {
workspaceId: workspaceId
logs: [for category in aksDiagCategories: {
category: category
enabled: true
metrics: [
category: 'AllMetrics'
enabled: true

@description('The resource name of the AKS cluster')
output clusterName string =

@description('The AKS cluster identity')
output clusterIdentity object = {

output clusterId string =
55 changes: 55 additions & 0 deletions Environments/AKS-Store-Demo/app/db.bicep
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@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
param kind string
param resourceToken string
param location string
param keyVaultName string
param tags object = {}
param cosmosDatabaseName string = 'orderdb'

@description('The collections to create in the database')
param collections array = [
id: 'orders'
name: 'orders'
shardKey: 'Hash'
indexKey: '_id'
throughput: 400

// the application database
module cosmosMongo '../core/database/cosmos/mongo/cosmos-mongo-db.bicep' = if(kind == 'MongoDB') {
name: 'cosmos-mongo'
params: {
accountName: 'cosmos-${resourceToken}'
databaseName: cosmosDatabaseName
location: location
collections: collections
tags: tags
keyVaultName: keyVaultName

module cosmosSql '../core/database/cosmos/sql/cosmos-sql-db.bicep' = if(kind == 'GlobalDocumentDB') {
name: 'cosmos-sql'
params: {
accountName: 'cosmos-${resourceToken}'
databaseName: cosmosDatabaseName
location: location
containers: [
name: 'orders'
id: 'orders'
partitionKey: '/storeId'
tags: tags
keyVaultName: keyVaultName

output name string = 'cosmos-${resourceToken}'
output endpoint string = kind == 'MongoDB' ? 'mongodb://cosmos-${resourceToken}' : 'https://cosmos-${resourceToken}'
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions Environments/AKS-Store-Demo/app/get-keys.bicep
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
param openAiName string
param openAiKeyName string = 'AZURE-OPENAI-KEY'
param cosmosAccountName string
param cosmosKeyName string = 'AZURE-COSMOS-KEY'
param keyVaultName string

resource account 'Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts@2023-05-01' existing = {
name: openAiName

resource cosmos 'Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts@2022-08-15' existing = {
name: cosmosAccountName

// create key vault secrets
module openAiKey '../core/security/keyvault-secret.bicep' = {
name: 'openAiKey'
params: {
name: openAiKeyName
keyVaultName: keyVaultName
secretValue: account.listKeys().key1

module cosmosKey '../core/security/keyvault-secret.bicep' = {
name: 'cosmosKey'
params: {
name: cosmosKeyName
keyVaultName: keyVaultName
secretValue: cosmos.listKeys().primaryMasterKey

output openAiKey string = openAiKeyName
output cosmosKey string = cosmosKeyName

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