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Merge pull request JuliaIO#160 from TotalVerb/fw/microbenchmark
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Add set of serialization microbenchmarks
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TotalVerb authored Aug 12, 2016
2 parents 675f96e + ab59924 commit 38f4d37
Showing 1 changed file with 54 additions and 0 deletions.
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions bench/micro.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
# JSON Microbenchmarks

using JSON
using BenchmarkTools

const suite = BenchmarkGroup()

suite["print"] = BenchmarkGroup(["serialize"])
suite["pretty-print"] = BenchmarkGroup(["serialize"])

immutable CustomListType
z::Union{CustomListType, Void}

immutable CustomTreeType
y::Union{CustomTreeType, Void}
z::Union{CustomTreeType, Void}

list(x) = x == 0 ? nothing : CustomListType(1, 1.0, list(x - 1))
tree(x) = x == 0 ? nothing : CustomTreeType("!!!", tree(x - 1), tree(x - 1))

const micros = Dict(
"integer" => 88,
"float" => -88.8,
"ascii" => "Hello World!",
"ascii-1024" => "x" ^ 1024,
"unicode" => "ສະ​ບາຍ​ດີ​ຊາວ​ໂລກ!",
"unicode-1024" => "" ^ 1024,
"bool" => true,
"null" => nothing,
"flat-homogenous-array-16" => collect(1:16),
"flat-homogenous-array-1024" => collect(1:1024),
"heterogenous-array" => [
1, 2, 3, 7, "A", "C", "E", "N", "Q", "R", "Shuttle to Grand Central"],
"nested-array-16^2" => [collect(1:16) for _ in 1:16],
"nested-array-16^3" => [[collect(1:16) for _ in 1:16] for _ in 1:16],
"small-dict" => Dict(
:a => :b, :c => "💙💙💙💙💙💙", :e => 10, :f => Dict(:a => :b)),
"flat-dict-128" => Dict(zip(collect(1:128), collect(1:128))),
"date" => Date(2016, 08, 09),
"matrix-16" => eye(16),
"custom-list-128" => list(128),
"custom-tree-8" => tree(8))

for (k, v) in micros
io = IOBuffer()
suite["print"][k] = @benchmarkable JSON.print($(IOBuffer()), $v)
suite["pretty-print"][k] = @benchmarkable JSON.print(
$(IOBuffer()), $v, 4)

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