This repository contains a major rewrite of Apache Xalan Java.
It originated from some performance problems and ended up in self education.
The major areas of changes that were made:
- Removed synchronizations in Transformer creation
- Instead of generating bytecode with BCEL, the translets are now generated as source code with JCodeModel and then compiled with the Java Compiler API
- The interpretive mode was completely removed, only xsltc as compiler was retained
- Gradle is used as build system
- The conformance test suite was imported and added as JUnit tests
- The use of synchronized data structures like Vector/Stack/Hashtable/StringBuffer has been adjusted to the usage of ArrayList/ArrayDeque/LinkedList/HashMap/TreeMap and StringBuilder
- The prefix handling from namespaces in xsltc was improved
- The actual source needs Java 8 as baseline, Java 1.2 is not sufficient anymore...
- To be continued...
compile 'de.lyca.xslt:lyca-xslt:0.9.5'
Apache Maven