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1. Features

PHP-PhotoGps is a simple library to get GPS data from a photo.

This library reads EXIF data of a jpeg file,

and can convert latitude/longitude into sexagesimal(English/Japanese) or decimal formats,

converts directions into degree with arrow images ,

converts speeds, date stamps and time stamps into human-readable strings.

Remote files (via http: or https:) are supported.

Supported Exif Versions:

  • 3.0
  • 2.32
  • 2.31
  • 2.3
  • 2.21
  • 2.2
  • 2.1

2. Contents

3. Requirements

  • PHP 8.1 or later

  • GD library enabled

    check with commands:

    (php -m; php -i) | grep gd
  • Exif enabled

    check with commands:

    (php -m; php -i) | grep exif
  • Composer

4. Installation

composer require macocci7/php-photo-gps

5. Usage

5.1. Usage: Basic

5.1.1. PHP

  • BasicUsage.php

    require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
    use Macocci7\PhpPhotoGps\PhotoGps;
    $filename = 'img/with_gps.jpg';    // includes GPS tags
    $pg = new PhotoGps($filename);
    echo "[" . $filename . "]--------------------\n";
    // Latitude in sexagesimal format
    echo "Latitude: " . $pg->latitudeS() . "\n";
    echo "緯度: " . $pg->lang('ja')->latitudeS() . "\n";
    // Longitude in sexagesimal format
    echo "Longitude: " . $pg->lang('eng')->longitudeS() . "\n";
    echo "経度: " . $pg->lang('ja')->longitudeS() . "\n";
    // Altitude as strings
    echo "Altitude: " . $pg->lang('eng')->altitudeS() . "\n";
    echo "高度: " . $pg->lang('ja')->altitudeS() . "\n";
    // Coord in decimal format ('S' and 'W' results in negative value.)
    echo "Coord: " . $pg->latitudeD() . ", " . $pg->longitudeD() . "\n";

5.1.2. Output

  • BasicUsage.txt

    Latitude: 37°3'26.2"N
    緯度: 北緯37度3分26.2秒
    Longitude: 140°53'32.8"E
    経度: 東経140度53分32.8秒
    Altitude: (Above Ellipsoidal Surface) 13.00 m
    高度: (正値楕円体高) 13.00 メートル
    Coord: 37.057274166667, 140.89244166667

5.1.3. Details

  • Import autoloader: require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'

  • use declaration: use Macocci7\PhpPhotoGps\PhotoGps;

  • Instantiation: new PhotoGps() or new PhotoGps($path)

    • Note: If HTTP or HTTPS url is specified as $path, download directory will be created in current directory, and the image will be downloaded in it.
  • Language: eng as default.

    • Get Current: lang()
    • Set as English: lang('eng')
    • Set as Japanese: lang('ja')

    Language Names are defined in config/PhotoGps.neon.

  • Latitude:

    • Decimal: latitudeD()
    • Sexagesimal: latitudeS()
  • Longitude:

    • Decimal: longitudeD()
    • Sexagesimal: longitudeS()
  • Altitude:

    • Decimal: altitude()
    • Strings with prefix & unit: altitudeS()

5.2. Usage: Format Configuration

5.2.1. Geo Data Format

for latitudeS() and longitudeS(). PHP
  • ConfigFormat.php

    require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
    use Macocci7\PhpPhotoGps\PhotoGps;
    $filename = 'img/with_gps.jpg';    // includes GPS tags
    $pg = new PhotoGps($filename);
    echo "[" . $filename . "]--------------------\n";
    // Format: default
    echo "Current format [eng]: " . $pg->lang('eng')->format() . "\n";
    echo "Current format [ja]: " . $pg->lang('ja')->format() . "\n\n";
    // Latitude in sexagesimal format
    echo "Latitude: " . $pg->lang('eng')->latitudeS() . "\n";
    echo "緯度: " . $pg->lang('ja')->latitudeS() . "\n";
    // Longitude in sexagesimal format
    echo "Longitude: " . $pg->lang('eng')->longitudeS() . "\n";
    echo "経度: " . $pg->lang('ja')->longitudeS() . "\n\n";
    echo "[Chang format:eng]---------------------------------\n";
    // Configure format
    $pg->lang('eng')->format('{ref:u}: {seconds:v}{seconds:u}, {minutes:v}{minutes:u}, {degrees:v}{degrees:u}');
    // Current format
    echo "Current format [eng]: " . $pg->lang('eng')->format() . "\n";
    echo "Current format [ja]: " . $pg->lang('ja')->format() . "\n\n";
    // Latitude in sexagesimal format
    echo "Latitude: " . $pg->lang('eng')->latitudeS() . "\n";
    echo "緯度: " . $pg->lang('ja')->latitudeS() . "\n";
    // Longitude in sexagesimal format
    echo "Longitude: " . $pg->lang('eng')->longitudeS() . "\n";
    echo "経度: " . $pg->lang('ja')->longitudeS() . "\n\n";
    echo "[Change format:ja]---------------------------------\n";
    // Configure format
    $pg->lang('ja')->format('{seconds:v}{seconds:u}, {minutes:v}{minutes:u}, {degrees:v}{degrees:u} ({ref:u})');
    // Current format
    echo "Current format [eng]: " . $pg->lang('eng')->format() . "\n";
    echo "Current format [ja]: " . $pg->lang('ja')->format() . "\n\n";
    // Latitude in sexagesimal format
    echo "Latitude: " . $pg->lang('eng')->latitudeS() . "\n";
    echo "緯度: " . $pg->lang('ja')->latitudeS() . "\n";
    // Longitude in sexagesimal format
    echo "Longitude: " . $pg->lang('eng')->longitudeS() . "\n";
    echo "経度: " . $pg->lang('ja')->longitudeS() . "\n\n";
    echo "[Reset format:ja]---------------------------------\n";
    // Reset format
    // Current format
    echo "Current format [eng]: " . $pg->lang('eng')->format() . "\n";
    echo "Current format [ja]: " . $pg->lang('ja')->format() . "\n\n";
    // Latitude in sexagesimal format
    echo "Latitude: " . $pg->lang('eng')->latitudeS() . "\n";
    echo "緯度: " . $pg->lang('ja')->latitudeS() . "\n";
    // Longitude in sexagesimal format
    echo "Longitude: " . $pg->lang('eng')->longitudeS() . "\n";
    echo "経度: " . $pg->lang('ja')->longitudeS() . "\n\n"; Output
  • ConfigFormat.txt

    Current format [eng]: {degrees:v}{degrees:u}{minutes:v}{minutes:u}{seconds:v}{seconds:u}{ref:u}
    Current format [ja]: {ref:u}{degrees:v}{degrees:u}{minutes:v}{minutes:u}{seconds:v}{seconds:u}
    Latitude: 37°3'26.2"N
    緯度: 北緯37度3分26.2秒
    Longitude: 140°53'32.8"E
    経度: 東経140度53分32.8秒
    [Chang format:eng]---------------------------------
    Current format [eng]: {ref:u}: {seconds:v}{seconds:u}, {minutes:v}{minutes:u}, {degrees:v}{degrees:u}
    Current format [ja]: {ref:u}{degrees:v}{degrees:u}{minutes:v}{minutes:u}{seconds:v}{seconds:u}
    Latitude: N: 26.2", 3', 37°
    緯度: 北緯37度3分26.2秒
    Longitude: E: 32.8", 53', 140°
    経度: 東経140度53分32.8秒
    [Change format:ja]---------------------------------
    Current format [eng]: {ref:u}: {seconds:v}{seconds:u}, {minutes:v}{minutes:u}, {degrees:v}{degrees:u}
    Current format [ja]: {seconds:v}{seconds:u}, {minutes:v}{minutes:u}, {degrees:v}{degrees:u} ({ref:u})
    Latitude: N: 26.2", 3', 37°
    緯度: 26.2秒, 3分, 37度 (北緯)
    Longitude: E: 32.8", 53', 140°
    経度: 32.8秒, 53分, 140度 (東経)
    [Reset format:ja]---------------------------------
    Current format [eng]: {ref:u}: {seconds:v}{seconds:u}, {minutes:v}{minutes:u}, {degrees:v}{degrees:u}
    Current format [ja]: {ref:u}{degrees:v}{degrees:u}{minutes:v}{minutes:u}{seconds:v}{seconds:u}
    Latitude: N: 26.2", 3', 37°
    緯度: 北緯37度3分26.2秒
    Longitude: E: 32.8", 53', 140°
    経度: 東経140度53分32.8秒 Details

  • Get Format: format()

  • Set Format: format($format)

  • Reset Format: resetFormat()

  • Default Format: {ref:u}{degrees:v}{degrees:u}{minutes:v}{minutes:u}{seconds:v}{seconds:u}

  • Format-Tags:

    Item Tag eng ja
    Ref {ref:u} N 北緯
    Degrees Value {degrees:v} 12 12
    Degrees Unit {degrees:u} °
    Minutes Value {minutes:v} 34 34
    Minutes Unit {minutes:u} '
    Seconds Value {seconds:v} 56 56
    Seconds Unit {seconds:u} "
  • latitudeS() and longitudeS() use common format.

5.2.2. Direction Data Format

for directionS(), destBearingS() and TrackS(). PHP
  • ConfigDirectionFormat.php

    require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
    use Macocci7\PhpPhotoGps\PhotoGps;
    $filename = 'img/with_gps.jpg';
    $pg = new PhotoGps($filename);
    echo "[" . $filename . "]--------------------\n";
    // Format: default
    echo "Current format [eng]: " . $pg->lang('eng')->directionFormat() . "\n";
    echo "Current format [ja]: " . $pg->lang('ja')->directionFormat() . "\n\n";
    // Image Direction: default format
    echo "Image Direction [eng]: " . $pg->lang('eng')->directionS() . "\n";
    echo "Image Direction [ja]: " . $pg->lang('ja')->directionS() . "\n\n";
    // Configure Format: eng
    // Current Format
    echo "Current format [eng]: " . $pg->lang('eng')->directionFormat() . "\n";
    echo "Current format [ja]: " . $pg->lang('ja')->directionFormat() . "\n\n";
    // Image Direction: Current Format
    echo "Image Direction [eng]: " . $pg->lang('eng')->directionS() . "\n";
    echo "Image Direction [ja]: " . $pg->lang('ja')->directionS() . "\n\n";
    // Configure Format: ja
    // Reset Format: eng
    // Current Format
    echo "Current format [eng]: " . $pg->lang('eng')->directionFormat() . "\n";
    echo "Current format [ja]: " . $pg->lang('ja')->directionFormat() . "\n\n";
    // Image Direction: Current Format
    echo "Image Direction [eng]: " . $pg->lang('eng')->directionS() . "\n";
    echo "Image Direction [ja]: " . $pg->lang('ja')->directionS() . "\n\n"; Output
  • ConfigDirectionFormat.txt

    Current format [eng]: {ref} {degrees:v}{degrees:u}
    Current format [ja]: {ref} {degrees:v}{degrees:u}
    Image Direction [eng]: T 306.25°
    Image Direction [ja]: 真北 306.25度
    Current format [eng]: {degrees:v}{degrees:u}({ref})
    Current format [ja]: {ref} {degrees:v}{degrees:u}
    Image Direction [eng]: 306.25°(T)
    Image Direction [ja]: 真北 306.25度
    Current format [eng]: {ref} {degrees:v}{degrees:u}
    Current format [ja]: {degrees:v}{degrees:u}
    Image Direction [eng]: T 306.25°
    Image Direction [ja]: 306.25度 Details
  • Get Format: directionFormat()

  • Set Format: directionFormat($format)

  • Reset Format: resetDirectionFormat()

  • Default Format: {ref} {degrees:v}{degrees:u}

  • Format-Tags:

    Item Tag eng ja
    Ref {ref:u} T 真北
    Degrees Value {degrees:v} 12.34 12.34
    Degrees Unit {degrees:u} °
  • directionS(), destBearingS() and TrackS() use common format.

5.2.3. Speed Data Format

for speedS() PHP
  • ConfigSpeedFormat.php

    require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
    use Macocci7\PhpPhotoGps\PhotoGps;
    $filename = 'img/with_gps.jpg';
    $pg = new PhotoGps($filename);
    echo "[" . $filename . "]--------------------\n";
    // Format: default
    echo "Current format [eng]: " . $pg->lang('eng')->speedFormat() . "\n";
    echo "Current format [ja]: " . $pg->lang('ja')->speedFormat() . "\n\n";
    // Speed: default format
    echo "Speed [eng]: " . $pg->lang('eng')->speedS() . "\n";
    echo "Speed [ja]: " . $pg->lang('ja')->speedS() . "\n\n";
    // Configure Format: eng
    // Current Format
    echo "Current format [eng]: " . $pg->lang('eng')->speedFormat() . "\n";
    echo "Current format [ja]: " . $pg->lang('ja')->speedFormat() . "\n\n";
    // Speed: Current Format
    echo "Speed [eng]: " . $pg->lang('eng')->speedS() . "\n";
    echo "Speed [ja]: " . $pg->lang('ja')->speedS() . "\n\n";
    // Configure Format: ja
    // Reset Format: eng
    // Current Format
    echo "Current format [eng]: " . $pg->lang('eng')->speedFormat() . "\n";
    echo "Current format [ja]: " . $pg->lang('ja')->speedFormat() . "\n\n";
    // Speed: Current Format
    echo "Speed [eng]: " . $pg->lang('eng')->speedS() . "\n";
    echo "Speed [ja]: " . $pg->lang('ja')->speedS() . "\n\n"; Output
  • ConfigSpeedFormat.txt

    Current format [eng]: {speed:v}{speed:u}
    Current format [ja]: {speed:v}{speed:u}
    Speed [eng]: 1.60mph
    Speed [ja]: 1.60マイル/時
    Current format [eng]: {speed:v}({speed:u})
    Current format [ja]: {speed:v}{speed:u}
    Speed [eng]: 1.60(mph)
    Speed [ja]: 1.60マイル/時
    Current format [eng]: {speed:v}{speed:u}
    Current format [ja]: 時速{speed:v}マイル
    Speed [eng]: 1.60mph
    Speed [ja]: 時速1.60マイル Details
  • Get Format: speedFormat()

  • Set Format: speedFormat($format)

  • Reset Format: resetSpeedFormat()

  • Default Format: {speed:v}{speed:u}

  • Format-Tags:

    Item Tag eng ja
    Speed Value {speed:v} 12.34 12.34
    Speed Unit {speed:u} km/h キロメートル/時

5.2.4. Datestamp Data Format

for datestamp() PHP
  • ConfigDatestampFormat.php

    require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
    use Macocci7\PhpPhotoGps\PhotoGps;
    $filename = 'img/with_gps.jpg';
    $pg = new PhotoGps($filename);
    echo "[" . $filename . "]--------------------\n";
    // Format: default
    echo "Current format [eng]: " . $pg->lang('eng')->datestampFormat() . "\n";
    echo "Current format [ja]: " . $pg->lang('ja')->datestampFormat() . "\n\n";
    // Datestamp: default format
    echo "Datestamp [eng]: " . $pg->lang('eng')->datestamp() . "\n";
    echo "Datestamp [ja]: " . $pg->lang('ja')->datestamp() . "\n\n";
    // Configure Format: eng
    $pg->lang('eng')->datestampFormat('l jS \of F Y');
    // Current Format
    echo "Current format [eng]: " . $pg->lang('eng')->datestampFormat() . "\n";
    echo "Current format [ja]: " . $pg->lang('ja')->datestampFormat() . "\n\n";
    // Datestamp: Current Format
    echo "Datestamp [eng]: " . $pg->lang('eng')->datestamp() . "\n";
    echo "Datestamp [ja]: " . $pg->lang('ja')->datestamp() . "\n\n";
    // Configure Format: ja
    // Reset Format: eng
    // Current Format
    echo "Current format [eng]: " . $pg->lang('eng')->datestampFormat() . "\n";
    echo "Current format [ja]: " . $pg->lang('ja')->datestampFormat() . "\n\n";
    // Datestamp: Current Format
    echo "Datestamp [eng]: " . $pg->lang('eng')->datestamp() . "\n";
    echo "Datestamp [ja]: " . $pg->lang('ja')->datestamp() . "\n\n"; Output
  • ConfigDatestampFormat.txt

    Current format [eng]: Y/m/d
    Current format [ja]: Y年m月d日
    Datestamp [eng]: 2023/09/18
    Datestamp [ja]: 2023年09月18日
    Current format [eng]: l jS \of F Y
    Current format [ja]: Y年m月d日
    Datestamp [eng]: Monday 18th of September 2023
    Datestamp [ja]: 2023年09月18日
    Current format [eng]: Y/m/d
    Current format [ja]: n月j日('y)
    Datestamp [eng]: 2023/09/18
    Datestamp [ja]: 9月18日('23) Details
  • Get Format: datestampFormat()
  • Set Format: datestampFormat($format)
  • Reset Format: resetDatestampFormat()
  • Default Format:
    • eng: Y/m/d
    • ja: Y年m月d日
  • Format parameter strings: See PHP Official

5.2.5. Timestamp Data Format

for timestamp() PHP
  • ConfigTimestampFormat.php

    require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
    use Macocci7\PhpPhotoGps\PhotoGps;
    $filename = 'img/with_gps.jpg';
    $pg = new PhotoGps($filename);
    echo "[" . $filename . "]--------------------\n";
    // Format: default
    echo "Current format [eng]: " . $pg->lang('eng')->timestampFormat() . "\n";
    echo "Current format [ja]: " . $pg->lang('ja')->timestampFormat() . "\n\n";
    // Timestamp: default format
    echo "Timestamp [eng]: " . $pg->lang('eng')->timestamp() . "\n";
    echo "Timestamp [ja]: " . $pg->lang('ja')->timestamp() . "\n\n";
    // Configure Format: eng
    $pg->lang('eng')->timestampFormat('g:i a');
    // Current Format
    echo "Current format [eng]: " . $pg->lang('eng')->timestampFormat() . "\n";
    echo "Current format [ja]: " . $pg->lang('ja')->timestampFormat() . "\n\n";
    // Timestamp: Current Format
    echo "Timestamp [eng]: " . $pg->lang('eng')->timestamp() . "\n";
    echo "Timestamp [ja]: " . $pg->lang('ja')->timestamp() . "\n\n";
    // Configure Format: ja
    // Reset Format: eng
    // Current Format
    echo "Current format [eng]: " . $pg->lang('eng')->timestampFormat() . "\n";
    echo "Current format [ja]: " . $pg->lang('ja')->timestampFormat() . "\n\n";
    // Timestamp: Current Format
    echo "Timestamp [eng]: " . $pg->lang('eng')->timestamp() . "\n";
    echo "Timestamp [ja]: " . $pg->lang('ja')->timestamp() . "\n\n"; Output
  • ConfigTimestampFormat.txt

    Current format [eng]: H:i:s
    Current format [ja]: H時i分s秒
    Timestamp [eng]: 03:43:32
    Timestamp [ja]: 03時43分32秒
    Current format [eng]: g:i a
    Current format [ja]: H時i分s秒
    Timestamp [eng]: 3:43 am
    Timestamp [ja]: 03時43分32秒
    Current format [eng]: H:i:s
    Current format [ja]: G時i分s秒
    Timestamp [eng]: 03:43:32
    Timestamp [ja]: 3時43分32秒 Details
  • Get Format: timestampFormat()
  • Set Format: timestampFormat($format)
  • Reset Format: resetTimestampFormat()
  • Default Format:
    • eng: H:i:s
    • ja: H時i分s秒
  • Format parameter strings: See PHP Official

5.3. Usage: Photo List with Checking Geo Data

Geo Data means latitude and longitude here.

The code below creates a list of photos in the dir img/.

5.3.1. PHP

  • CheckGeoData.php

    require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
    use Macocci7\PhpPhotoGps\PhotoGps;
    $pg = new PhotoGps();
    $images = glob('img/*.{jp*g,JP*G}', GLOB_BRACE);
    echo "# Photo List: Geo Data\n\n";
    echo "<table>\n";
    echo "<tr><th>Image</th><th>Geo</th><th>Coordinate</th></tr>\n";
    foreach ($images as $file) {
        $link = sprintf("<a href='%s'><img src='%s' width=100 /></a>", $file, $file);
        $hasGps = $pg->hasGps();
        $hasGeo = $pg->hasGeo();
        $hasAltitude = $pg->hasAltitude();
        echo sprintf("<td>%s</td>", $link);
        echo sprintf("<td>%s</td>", $hasGps ? 'o' : 'x');
        echo "<td>\n";
        if ($hasGeo) {
            echo sprintf(
                "<a href='%s'>%s, %s</a><br />\n",
                sprintf("%.14f", $pg->latitudeD()),
                sprintf("%.14f", $pg->longitudeD())
            foreach ($pg->langs() as $lang) {
                echo sprintf(
                    "%s, %s<br />\n",
        } else {
            echo "No Geo Data\n\n";
        if ($hasAltitude) {
            foreach ($pg->langs() as $lang) {
                echo sprintf("%s\n\n", $pg->lang($lang)->altitudeS());
        } else {
            echo "No Altitude Data\n\n";
        echo "</td></tr>\n";
    echo "</table>\n";

5.3.2. Result


    Photo List: Geo Data

    o 31.53324552730697, 35.47923749904281
    31°31'59.7"N, 35°28'45.3"E
    北緯31度31分59.7秒, 東経35度28分45.3秒
    (Below Sea Level) 422.00 m

    (負値海抜) 422.00 メートル

    o -20.18913849132269, -67.58772465286874
    20°11'20.9"S, 67°35'15.8"W
    南緯20度11分20.9秒, 西経67度35分15.8秒
    (Above Sea Level) 3700.00 m

    (正値海抜) 3700.00 メートル

    o 35.87235861111111, 139.78356388888889
    35°52'20.5"N, 139°47'0.8"E
    北緯35度52分20.5秒, 東経139度47分0.8秒
    (Above Ellipsoidal Surface) 3.70 m

    (正値楕円体高) 3.70 メートル

    o 38.26386166666666, 140.87085083333335
    38°15'49.9"N, 140°52'15.1"E
    北緯38度15分49.9秒, 東経140度52分15.1秒
    (Above Ellipsoidal Surface) 42.00 m

    (正値楕円体高) 42.00 メートル

    o 37.05727416666667, 140.89244166666666
    37°3'26.2"N, 140°53'32.8"E
    北緯37度3分26.2秒, 東経140度53分32.8秒
    (Above Ellipsoidal Surface) 13.00 m

    (正値楕円体高) 13.00 メートル

    x No Geo Data

    No Altitude Data

5.3.3. Details

  • Load GPS Data from a photo: load($path)
  • Check If GPS Data Exists: hasGps()
  • Check If Geo Data Exists: hasGeo()
  • Check If Altitude Exists: hasAltitude()

5.4. Usage: Read All GPS Tags

gps() method returns all Exif tags which has GPS prefix.

5.4.1. PHP


    require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
    use Macocci7\PhpPhotoGps\PhotoGps;
    use Macocci7\PhpPhotoGps\Helpers\Dir;
    use Macocci7\PhpPhotoGps\Helpers\Arrow;
    use Macocci7\PhpPhotoGps\Helpers\Exif;
    $pg = new PhotoGps();
    $images = [
        'File with Fake GPS via HTTP' => '',
        'File with Fake GPS via HTTPS' => '',
        'Local File with GPS' => 'img/with_gps.jpg',
        'No GPS tags' => 'img/without_gps.jpg',
    $arrowSize = 30;
    echo "# Exif: GPS Tags\n\n";
    // Loop for images
    foreach ($images as $title => $image) {
        echo "## $title\n\n";
        // Start Table
        echo "<table>\n";
        $style = 'display: flex; align-items: top;';
        echo sprintf("<tr style='%s'>\n<td>\n", $style);
        // Thumbnail
        echo "<img src='$image' alt='$title' width='200'>\n\n";
        // Load GPS Data
        // Show Attributes Converted from GPS Data
        $style = 'display: flex; justify-content: right; align-items: center;';
        $direction = $pg->direction();
        $speedS = $pg->speedS();
        $track = $pg->track();
        $destBearing = $pg->destBearing();
        $datestamp = $pg->datestamp();
        $timestamp = $pg->timestamp();
        echo "|Attribute|Value|\n";
        echo "|:---|---:|\n";
        echo sprintf("|ExifVersion|%s|\n", Exif::version());
        // Image Direction
        if (!is_null($direction)) {
            $pathArrow = sprintf('img/arrow%.2f.png', $direction);
            echo sprintf(
                "|Image Direction|<div style='%s'><img src='%s' width=%d height=%d />%s</div>|\n",
        // Speed
        if (!is_null($speedS)) {
            echo sprintf("|Speed|%s|\n", $speedS);
        // Track
        if (!is_null($track)) {
            $pathArrow = sprintf('img/arrow%.2f.png', $track);
            echo sprintf(
                "|Track|<div style='%s'><img src='%s' width=%d height=%d />%s</div>|\n",
        // Dest Bearing
        if (!is_null($destBearing)) {
            $pathArrow = sprintf('img/arrow%.2f.png', $destBearing);
            echo sprintf(
                "|Destination Bearing|<div style='%s'><img src='%s' width=%d height=%d />%s</div>|\n",
        // Date Stamp
        echo $datestamp ? sprintf("|Datestamp|%s (UTC)|\n", $datestamp) : '';
        // Time Stamp
        echo $timestamp ? sprintf("|Timestamp|%s (UTC)|\n", $timestamp) : '';
        echo "</td>\n<td>\n\n";
        // Check If GPS Data Exists
        if ($pg->hasGps()) {
            // Show GPS Data
            echo "|Tag|Value|\n";
            echo "|:---|---:|\n";
            foreach ($pg->gps() as $tag => $value) {
                echo sprintf(
                    is_array($value) ? implode('<br />', $value) : $value
        } else {
            echo "No GPS data.\n\n";
        // Close Table
        echo "</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n\n";

5.4.2. Result


    Exif: GPS Tags

    File with Fake GPS via HTTP

    File with Fake GPS via HTTP
    Attribute Value
    ExifVersion 0300
    Image Direction
    M 352.40°
    Speed 12.45kt
    M 62.90°
    Destination Bearing
    M 138.69°
    Datestamp 2018/03/31 (UTC)
    Timestamp 02:22:14 (UTC)
    Tag Value
    GPS_IFD_Pointer 366
    GPSLatitudeRef N
    GPSLatitude 31/1
    GPSLongitudeRef E
    GPSLongitude 35/1
    GPSAltitudeRef 3
    GPSAltitude 42200/100
    GPSTimeStamp 2/1
    GPSSpeedRef N
    GPSSpeed 22778/1829
    GPSTrackRef M
    GPSTrack 157243/2500
    GPSImgDirectionRef M
    GPSImgDirection 195581/555
    GPSDestBearingRef M
    GPSDestBearing 83632/603
    GPSDateStamp 2018:03:31

    File with Fake GPS via HTTPS

    File with Fake GPS via HTTPS
    Attribute Value
    ExifVersion 0300
    Image Direction
    T 278.63°
    Speed 100.00mph
    T 268.44°
    Destination Bearing
    T 273.47°
    Datestamp 2015/06/07 (UTC)
    Timestamp 01:31:46 (UTC)
    Tag Value
    GPS_IFD_Pointer 214
    GPSLatitudeRef S
    GPSLatitude 20/1
    GPSLongitudeRef W
    GPSLongitude 67/1
    GPSAltitudeRef 0
    GPSAltitude 370000/100
    GPSTimeStamp 1/1
    GPSSpeedRef M
    GPSSpeed 100/1
    GPSTrackRef T
    GPSTrack 143885/536
    GPSImgDirectionRef T
    GPSImgDirection 115074/413
    GPSDestBearingRef T
    GPSDestBearing 188418/689
    GPSDateStamp 2015:06:07

    Local File with GPS

    Local File with GPS
    Attribute Value
    ExifVersion 0300
    Image Direction
    T 306.25°
    Speed 1.60mph
    M 359.90°
    Datestamp 2023/09/18 (UTC)
    Timestamp 03:43:32 (UTC)
    Tag Value
    GPS_IFD_Pointer 908
    GPSLatitudeRef N
    GPSLatitude 37/1
    GPSLongitudeRef E
    GPSLongitude 140/1
    GPSAltitudeRef 0
    GPSAltitude 1300/100
    GPSTimeStamp 3/1
    GPSSpeedRef M
    GPSSpeed 16/10
    GPSTrackRef M
    GPSTrack 224936/625
    GPSImgDirectionRef T
    GPSImgDirection 191409/625
    GPSDateStamp 2023:09:18

    No GPS tags

    No GPS tags
    Attribute Value
    ExifVersion 0220

    No GPS data.

5.4.3. Details

  • use declaration: use Macocci7\PhpPhotoGps\Helpers\Dir;

    to clear entries in download directory.

  • use declaration: use Macocci7\PhpPhotoGps\Helpers\Arrow;

    to create arrow images.

  • Clear entries in a directory: Dir::clear($dir)

  • Get Image Direction:

    • As Float: direction() returns null if not found.
    • As String: directionS() return null if not found.
  • Get Speed:

    • As Float: speed() returns null if not found.
    • As String: speedS() returns null if not found.
  • Get Track (Direction of Movement):

    • As Float: track() returns null if not found.
    • As String: trackS() returns null if not found.
  • Get Destination Bearing:

    • As Float: destBearing() returns null if not found.
    • As String: destBearingS() returns null if not found.
  • Get Date Stamp: datestamp() returns null if not found.

  • Get Time Stamp: timestamp() returns null if not found.

  • Create Arrow Image: Arrow::make($degree)->save($pathArrow)

    • $degree: must be in clockwise degrees. (0° ~ 360°)

    • Arrow:make(): returns the instance of Intervention\Image\Interfaces\ImageInterface (v3.3)

    • Returning HTTP Response with it is available.

    • See more: Intervention/image Official Document

      response() has removed since v3.

      See more: Removed Features | Intervention/image v3 Official

    • Note:

      • If the reference is 'M' (Magnetic North), the arrow image shows the relative direction from Magnetic North(Magnetic North upward).
      • Magnetic North pole moves over time. See more.
  • Note:

    • All photos in this repository were taken by macocci7 with mobile phone, and free to use.
    • Some of GPS data was manually injected with some tools.
      • GIMP v2.10.34 used for:

        • GPSLatitudeRef
        • GPSLatitude
        • GPSLongitudeRef
        • GPSLongitude
        • GPSAltitudeRef
        • GPSAltitude

        GIMP can edit only geo tags.

      • Exif Tool by Phil Harvey v12.72 used for:

        • All other GPS tags

        Exif Tool can edit all writable GPS tags.

        However, Exif Tool currently cannot set GPSSpeedRef as K (maybe a bug).

5.5. Usage: GPS Attribute Information

5.5.1. PHP

  • GpsAttrInfo.php

    require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
    use Macocci7\PhpPhotoGps\Helpers\Gps;
    //$exifVersion = "0210";
    //$exifVersion = "0220";
    //$exifVersion = "0221";
    //$exifVersion = "0230";
    //$exifVersion = "0231";
    //$exifVersion = "0232";
    $exifVersion = "0300";
    echo "# Exif" . $exifVersion . ": GPS Attribute Information\n\n";
    echo "|Field Name|Type|Count|Values|Default|Separator|\n";
    echo "|:---|:---|---:|:---|:---:|:---:|\n";
    foreach (Gps::def('exif' . $exifVersion . '.fields') as $key => $value) {
        echo sprintf(
            ? implode(
                '<br />',
                    fn ($k, $v) => '* ' . $k . ': ' . $v,
            : '---',
            $value['default'] ?? '---',
            $value['separator'] ?? '---'

5.5.2. Result


    Exif0300: GPS Attribute Information

    Field Name Type Count Values Default Separator
    GPSVersion BYTE 4 --- .
    GPSVersionID BYTE 4 --- .
    GPSLatitudeRef ASCII 2 * N: North latitude
    * S: South latitude
    None ---
    GPSLatitude RATIONAL 3 --- None ---
    GPSLongitudeRef ASCII 2 * E: East longitude
    * W: West longitude
    None ---
    GPSLongitude RATIONAL 3 --- None ---
    GPSAltitudeRef BYTE 1 * 0: Positive ellipsoidal height (at or above ellipsoidal surface)
    * 1: Negative ellipsoid height (below ellipsoidal surface)
    * 2: Positive sea level value (at or above sea level reference)
    * 3: Negative sea level value (below sea level reference)
    GPSAltitude RATIONAL 1 --- None ---
    GPSTimeStamp RATIONAL 3 --- None ---
    GPSSatellites ASCII 0 --- None ---
    GPSStatus ASCII 2 * A: Measurement in progress
    * V: Measurement interrupted
    None ---
    GPSMeasureMode ASCII 2 * 2: 2-dimensional measurement
    * 3: 3-dimensional measurement
    None ---
    GPSDOP RATIONAL 1 --- None ---
    GPSSpeedRef ASCII 2 * K: Kilometers per hour
    * M: Miles per hour
    * N: Knots
    K ---
    GPSSpeed RATIONAL 1 --- None ---
    GPSTrackRef ASCII 2 * T: True direction
    * M: Magnetic direction
    T ---
    GPSTrack RATIONAL 1 --- None ---
    GPSImgDirectionRef ASCII 2 * T: True direction
    * M: Magnetic direction
    T ---
    GPSImgDirection RATIONAL 1 --- None ---
    GPSMapDatum ASCII 0 --- None ---
    GPSDestLatitudeRef ASCII 2 * N: North latitude
    * S: South latitude
    None ---
    GPSDestLatitude RATIONAL 3 --- None ---
    GPSDestLongitudeRef ASCII 2 * E: East longitude
    * W: West longitude
    None ---
    GPSDestLongitude RATIONAL 3 --- None ---
    GPSDestBearingRef ASCII 2 * T: True direction
    * M: Magnetic direction
    T ---
    GPSDestBearing RATIONAL 1 --- None ---
    GPSDestDistanceRef ASCII 2 * K: Kilometers
    * M: Miles
    * N: Nautical miles
    K ---
    GPSDestDistance RATIONAL 1 --- None ---
    GPSProcessingMethod UNDEFINED 0 * GPS: GPS [GPSMeaMeasureMode: 2 or 3]
    * QZSS: Quasi-Zenith Satellite System [GPSMeasureMode: 2 or 3]
    * GALILEO: Galileo System [GPSMeasureMode: 2 or 3]
    * GLONASS: Global Navigation Satellite System [GPSMeasureMode: 2 or 3]
    * BEIDOU: Beidou Satellite Positioning System [GPSMeasureMode: 2 or 3]
    * NAVID: Navigation Indian Constellation System [GPSMeasureMode: 2 or 3]
    * CELLID: Mobile Phone Base Stations [GPSMeasureMode: 2 (generally)]
    * WLAN: Wireless LAN [GPSMeasureMode: 2 (generally)]
    * MANUAL: Manual input [GPSMeasureMode: (not recorded)]
    None ---
    GPSAreaInformation UNDEFINED 0 --- None ---
    GPSDateStamp ASCII 11 --- None ---
    GPSDifferential SHORT 1 * 0: Measurement without differential correction
    * 1: Differential correction applied
    None ---
    GPSHPositioningError RATIONAL 1 --- None ---

5.5.3. Details

  • use declaration: use Macocci7\PhpPhotoGps\Helpers\Gps;

    to use GPS Data Interface.

  • Get GPS Tag Attributes: Gps::def() or Gps::def($tagName)

    it returns null if not found.

    GPS Tag Attributes are defined in config/Gps.neon.

    The structure of Hash array returned by Gps::def() is as below:

    • exifXXXX: XXXX is replaced with Exif Version number.
      • fields:
        • TagName: like GPSVersionID or GPSAltitude
          • type: based on Exif Standard
          • count: based on Exif Standard
          • default: based on Exif Standard
          • values: based on Exif Standard
          • separator: originaly added

    Object-like dot-separated specifiers are available for $tagName.

    For example, Gps::def('exif0300.fields.GPSLatitudeRef') returns:

        'type' => 'ASCII',
        'count' => 2,
        'default' => 'None'
        'values' => [
            'N' => 'North latitude',
            'S' => 'South latitude',

6. Examples



8. Changelog


Document created: 2023/09/30

Document updated: 2024/10/02

Copyright 2023 - 2024 macocci7