- Capacitive fingerprints R502 - R503
- Esp8266 (wemods D1 mini tested)
- idearduino sketch (download from reposity)
- adafruit modified libray (download from reposity)
- PubSubClient – provides the MQTT connectivity (install from idearduino library management)
- ArduinoJSON – provides the framework for sending JSON message to Home Assistant (install from idearduino library management)
R503 - R502 cable colors
Red: VCC
Black: GND
Yellow: TX
Green: RX
Blu: not used
White: not used
R502 connection pin:
Install the necessary libraries, download the sketch and open it with ide arduino.
select your board, edit the file with wifi and mqtt credentials
open the serial monitor. switch your board off and on again.
if everything went well you will have this screen:
install SAVER integration
Saver is an extraordinary Piotr Machowski project, a simple but very powerful tool. fills a big gap in Home assistant.
the R503 - R 502 sensor stores the fingerprint image and associates it with an id 1-127
in the saver project it is used to store the user name and associate it with the reader id.
copy the script code in your script-file or in your script section
copy the sensor code in your script-file or in your script section
copy fingerprints_package.yaml in your package folder
copy lovelace code in your config