This repository includes all the files (data, scripts for analysis and graphical representations, narrative, citations, ...) to compile the final manuscript of my thesis Implementation and Assessment of a Multipurpose Appraisal-Driven Emotion Awareness Tool Based on Self-Report. The thesis was supervised by Prof. Mireille Bétrancourt at TECFA, Geneva University.
The manuscript has been compiled using R and RMarkdown. If you download the project in RStudio, you should be able to view and compile it, as long as the many necessary packages still work. There is no repro mechanism for keeping track of the environment, sorry!
The data folder contains all the empirical, simulation, and theoretical-driven data-sets used in the manuscript. The folder is organized in subfolder, with the empirical data contained in the study-1, study-2 and study-3 sub-folders. In each subfolder, you can find the raw data and the scripts to process, analyze, summarise and visualize it.
Other folders are mostly for layout and compiling options.
The .Rmd files are the different chapters of the thesis.
The code of the tool is not included in this repository. Please refer to the archived page linked at the end of the introduction for further details.
My contact information on GitHub will probably be up-to-date, you can refer to my profile in case you want to contact me.