A proxying in-memory cache for node.
$ npm install segmentio/proxy-cache
var DB = require('db');
var cache = require('proxy-cache');
var db = new DB();
db.getUserById('id', function (err, user) {
// fetches `user` from the db
db = cache(new DB(), ['getUserById']);
db.getUserById('id', function (err, user) {
// fetches the user from the db
// and caches it in memory as `getUserById:id`
db.getUserById('id', function (err, user) {
// this lookup fetches `user` directly the from the cache
Generate a proxying cache, with all properties of instance
fully proxied, and all instance methods
wrapped with a cache. You can also pass in optional options
, which line up exactly with isaacs/node-lru-cache options. Here are the defaults:
max : 10000,
maxAge : ms('1m'),
stale : false,
peek : true // peek by default so maxAge is honored.
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