dune-navier-stokes-two-phase is a Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment module which implements a front tracking finite element scheme to solve a single/two-phase incompressible (Navier--)Stokes flow in 2D and 3D domains. It supports various finite element spaces and boundary condition, several solvers and different preconditioners. The full Navier--Stokes flow can be solved with a linearized scheme or with a fixed-point iteration. It provides smoothing, remeshing and ALE functionalities to overcome mesh distortions.
A detailed description of these methods can be found in the PhD thesis
and in the papers
These are the works I would ask everyone to cite when using dune-navier-stokes-two-phase.
The dune-navier-stokes-two-phase library, headers and test programs are free open-source software, licensed under version 2 or later of the GNU General Public License.
See the file LICENSE.md for full copying permissions.
For installation instructions please see the DUNE website.