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Hello Every One ! This is A Basic Laravel E-Commerce Web Project with Functional Admin Panel In This Project We Are Using Laravel 8 In This Project We Are Shown Register User With Email Verification & Forget Password Process also With in Email Now Check All Steps

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Project Brief

Hello Every One ! This is A Basic Laravel E-Commerce Web Project with Functional Admin Panel In This Project We Are Using Laravel 8 In This Project We Are Shown Register User With Email Verification & Forget Password Process also With in Email Now Check All Steps

  1. For Email Varification first, We Have to Make SMTP Mail Server Local

  2. We Can Use Our Own Gmail Account For Doing This

  3. First Go to "Manage Your Google Account"

  4. Select "Security" on Left Side

  5. Scroll Down And Select App Password

  6. "Select the app and device you want to generate the app password for." Select "Mail" For App Select "Windows Computer" For Device The Click on "Generate"

  7. You Can Get A Password For SMTP Mail Server

  8. Now got to ".env" file and update few on below points ..........................................................

MAIL_USERNAME=your mail id
MAIL_PASSWORD=password which you getting from "App Password"
MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS=your mail id

rest of others don't need to change

Now here's the Register User With Email Verification & Forget Password Process also With in Email

Bonus On This Project

In This Project We Are Shown Just Manually Add-Edit-Delete-Show Product From Admin Panel and Show in the Main Home page


In Every Repository All Of You Can Get Bonus Part

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Hello Every One ! This is A Basic Laravel E-Commerce Web Project with Functional Admin Panel In This Project We Are Using Laravel 8 In This Project We Are Shown Register User With Email Verification & Forget Password Process also With in Email Now Check All Steps







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