This repo contains the minimal configuration to deploy istio in multi-cluster(on different networks) mode using kind.
- docker
- kubectl
- kind
- istioctl
- docker-mac-net-connect (for macOS users)
cd kind-setup
Install MetalLB 1
Both ingress and egress gateway created by istio need to External IP. MetalLB allocates it for them.
cd kind-setup
The range of IP addresses that kind cluster controls can be obtained
with docker network inspect -f '{{$map := index .IPAM.Config 0}}{{index $map "Subnet"}}' kind
Assuming that the output is of above command is
, we have
created metallb-cr-1.yaml
and metallb-cr-2.yaml. This allocates
ip ranges to cluster1 and cluster2 respectively. If you are creating more than two
cluster, create another metallb-cr.
Install CA Certs 2
A multicluster service mesh deployment requires that us to establish trust between all clusters in the mesh. We use a common root to generate intermediate certificates for each cluster
Note: in this script we -label istio namespace as "${i}"
cd kind-setup
Install Istio using istioctl 3
It does the following for each cluster:
- install istiod with configuration in istio-setup/cluster.yaml
- install a gateway dedicated to east-west traffic
- expose all services (*.local) on the east-west gateway
- install remote secret of this cluster in the other cluster to enable k8s api server endpoint discovery
cd istio-setup
- Add istio helm repo and update charts
cd istio-chart
helm repo add sedflix
helm dependency update
- Install helm charts
cd istio-chart
Now, we need to configure each istiod to watch other clusters api servers. We create a secret with credentials to allow Istio to access the other (n-1) remote kubernetes api servers.
cd istio-chart
Deploy Test Applications 4
It does the following:
- create ns sample in all the cluster
- create service helloworld in all the cluster
- deploy v1 and v2 of helloworld alternatively in each cluster
cd testing
Test the magic 4
Go inside a pod and try: curl -s "helloworld.sample:5000/hello"
. The response should be like when run multiple times
while true; do curl -s "helloworld.sample:5000/hello"; done
Hello version: v1, instance: helloworld-v1-776f57d5f6-znwk5
Hello version: v2, instance: helloworld-v2-54df5f84b-qmg8t..
- Go inside the proxy pod and use curl localhost:15000/help