WIP Rangefinder review application where users read, comment, and post rangefinder reviews. It's mostly complete but I need to improve the UI and add server side validations. The application framework is Nest, which is basically Express + Typescript with routed controllers and dependency injection, with a structure similar to Angular.
- Nest
- MongoDB
- Rellax
- MaterializeCSS
Both local strategy and social strategy logins are supported.
Contribute to reviews or browse the catalog.
Feel free to comment on any review.
Go to app.module.ts
and point the MongoDB URI to your server and run npm install
Then run:
npm start
Go to http://localhost:3000
Improve UI (minor things are not working right)
Improve Dockerfile (webpack is giving me grief)
Add image preview (for posting reviews)
Fix Edit features (anyone can edit anyone's review/comments)