Placehodler for various *nix handy scripts be sure to make this script executable with chmod +x command
#Checks if source can reach target on a specified port over SSH :: Reads source's user password from a file located at: ${HOME}/.secret
- SOURCE_FILE: a file containing source hosts lists per line
- TARGET_FILE: a file containing target hosts lists per line
- REMOTE_PORT: a port to connect on a target host machine
- USER: a SSH user account to use when connecting to source VM be sure to make this script executable with chmod +x command
#Remote host login script using expect/tcl. Sudo with password auto type nopass.exp :: Automates the process of switching user once on remote host
- PASSWORD: replace this variable with your remote host password (hard coded in script)
- REQUIRED_REMOTE_HOSTNAME: remote host name (required)
- OPTIONAL_REMOTEHOST_USER: switch to this user once logged to remote VM (defaults to script running user)
- OPTIONAL_REMOTE_COMMAND: executes command on remote VM as OPTIONAL_REMOTEHOST_USER be sure to make this script executable with chmod +x command