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Blender plugin for Import|Export OpenBVE *.csv objects

This plugin only works on Blender 2.79. Please note that it will NOT work on 2.80.

1. Installation guide

  1. Please download from Releases section the newest release.
  2. Open Blender, and choose File -> User Preferences... -> Add-ons from main menu.
  3. Choose "Install Add-on from File...". user-Preferences1-en
  4. Choose plugins zip file. user-Preferences2-en
  5. To enable the plugin, turn on the checkbox. user-Preferences3-en
  6. To enabled the setting, press "Save User Settings", and restart Blender.

2. Using plugin

2.1 Import *.csv model file to Blender

  1. Choose File -> Import -> OpenBVE CSV model (*.csv) from main menu. import1-en

  2. Select import options.


    • Set logging Level: select threshold level for the log file. The default setting is "INFO".
    • Transform coordinates: If you want to change OpenBVE 's Left-handed coordinate system to Blender's Right-handed coordinate system, check this option. The default is enable.
    • Split AddFace2: If this option is enabled, AddFace2's double-sided is split to an each face. After split, each faces Material's AddFace2 option is turn off automatically.
  3. After choose the *.csv model from filesystem, press the "OpenBVE model (*.csv)" button, then import the model. import3-en

    If you are turn off the Transform coordinates option, the imported model is as shown below. import4-en

2.2 Exporting from Blender to *.csv model file

  1. Before the choose export object, you must change mode to "Object Mode". After changed, you can choose export object(s). export1-en

  2. Choose File -> Export -> OpenBVE CSV model (*.csv) from main menu.

  3. Choose export options.


    • Set logging Level: select threshold level for the log file. The default setting is "INFO".
    • Transform coordinates: If you want to change Blender's Right-handed coordinate system to OpenBVE 's Left-handed coordinate system, check this option. The default is enable.
    • Set global scale: Set the scale factor. The default value is 1.0.
    • Output Normals: If you want to export add normals, check this option. The default is enable.
    • Copy textures in separated folder: All texture files are copy to the new folder. the new folder is the same folder level, and folder name is 'model name'-textures. This option is enable by default.
  4. After choose the *.csv model from filesystem, press the "OpenBVE model (*.csv)" button, then export the model.

  5. Check the export result by the ObjectViewer of OpenBVE. export3

3. The specific attributes for OpenBVE

At the Additional properties for CSV mesh, you can be assigns the specific attributes for OpenBVE.

NOTE: These specific attributes are not reflected to the Blender's 3D view.

3.1 Object Property


  • SetEmissiveColor: Enable/Disable ,and set color of SetEmissiveColor.
  • SetBlendMode: You can set the SetBlendMode's BlendMode(Normal/Additive), GlowHalfDistance's distance, and GlowAttenuationMode(DivideExponent2 or 4).
  • SetDecalTransparentColor: For example of the BMP, If you want to use the case of require SetDecalTransparentColor, you can set Enable/Disable ,and set color of SetDecalTransparentColor.

3.2 Material Property


  • Use AddFace2: If this option is enabled, when you are the exporting, you can enable the material to the double-sided by Addface2.
  • LoadTexture: If this file is selected, you can set the NighttimeTexture for LoadTexture.

4. Debugging

This plugin is output a log file of io_scene_csv_log.txt at the under the home directory.

Specifically, the folder placing is showing below.

  • Windows C:\Users\<UserName>\io_scene_csv_log.txt
  • Linux/macOS ~/io_scene_csv_log.txt

5. License

This plugin is licensed under GPL-2.0.

Third party license

  • This plugin uses Chardet to determine the character encoding. This is licensed under the LGPL-2.1 as per io_scene_csv/chardet/LICENSE.