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Merge pull request #36671 from rosswhitfield/new_hfir_event_loader
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New algorithm LoadEventAsWorkspace2D
  • Loading branch information
jmborr authored Jan 19, 2024
2 parents c4a30d6 + dba36d8 commit c3ac465
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Showing 8 changed files with 577 additions and 1 deletion.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions Framework/DataHandling/CMakeLists.txt
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Expand Up @@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ set(SRC_FILES
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Expand Down Expand Up @@ -483,6 +485,7 @@ set(TEST_FILES
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@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
// Mantid Repository :
// Copyright © 2024 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UKRI,
// NScD Oak Ridge National Laboratory, European Spallation Source,
// Institut Laue - Langevin & CSNS, Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS
// SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL - 3.0 +
#pragma once

#include "MantidAPI/Algorithm.h"
#include "MantidAPI/SpectraDetectorTypes.h"
#include "MantidDataHandling/DllConfig.h"

namespace Mantid {
namespace DataHandling {

/** LoadEventAsWorkspace2D : Load event data, integrating the events during loading
class MANTID_DATAHANDLING_DLL LoadEventAsWorkspace2D : public API::Algorithm {
const std::string name() const override;
int version() const override;
const std::string category() const override;
const std::string summary() const override;
const std::vector<std::string> seeAlso() const override { return {"LoadEventNexus", "HFIRSANS2Wavelength"}; }

void init() override;
void exec() override;
std::map<std::string, std::string> validateInputs() override;

} // namespace DataHandling
} // namespace Mantid
299 changes: 299 additions & 0 deletions Framework/DataHandling/src/LoadEventAsWorkspace2D.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
// Mantid Repository :
// Copyright &copy; 2024 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UKRI,
// NScD Oak Ridge National Laboratory, European Spallation Source,
// Institut Laue - Langevin & CSNS, Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS
// SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL - 3.0 +

#include "MantidDataHandling/LoadEventAsWorkspace2D.h"
#include "MantidAPI/Axis.h"
#include "MantidAPI/FileProperty.h"
#include "MantidAPI/MatrixWorkspace.h"
#include "MantidAPI/Run.h"
#include "MantidAPI/Sample.h"
#include "MantidAPI/WorkspaceFactory.h"
#include "MantidDataHandling/LoadEventNexus.h"
#include "MantidDataHandling/LoadEventNexusIndexSetup.h"
#include "MantidDataObjects/Workspace2D.h"
#include "MantidKernel/ListValidator.h"
#include "MantidKernel/TimeSeriesProperty.h"
#include "MantidKernel/UnitFactory.h"
#include "MantidNexus/NexusIOHelper.h"

#include <regex>

namespace Mantid {
namespace DataHandling {
using namespace API;
using Mantid::DataObjects::Workspace2D;
using Mantid::HistogramData::HistogramX;
using Mantid::Kernel::Direction;
using Mantid::Kernel::PropertyWithValue;
using Mantid::Kernel::StringListValidator;
using Mantid::Kernel::TimeSeriesProperty;
using Mantid::Kernel::UnitFactory;
// Register the algorithm into the AlgorithmFactory


/// Algorithms name for identification. @see Algorithm::name
const std::string LoadEventAsWorkspace2D::name() const { return "LoadEventAsWorkspace2D"; }

/// Algorithm's version for identification. @see Algorithm::version
int LoadEventAsWorkspace2D::version() const { return 1; }

/// Algorithm's category for identification. @see Algorithm::category
const std::string LoadEventAsWorkspace2D::category() const { return "DataHandling\\Nexus"; }

/// Algorithm's summary for use in the GUI and help. @see Algorithm::summary
const std::string LoadEventAsWorkspace2D::summary() const {
return "Load event data, integrating the events during loading. Also set the X-axis based on log data.";

/** Initialize the algorithms properties.
void LoadEventAsWorkspace2D::init() {
const std::vector<std::string> exts{".nxs.h5", ".nxs", "_event.nxs"};
this->declareProperty(std::make_unique<FileProperty>("Filename", "", FileProperty::Load, exts),
"The name of the Event NeXus file to read, including its full or "
"relative path. ");
declareProperty(std::make_unique<PropertyWithValue<double>>("FilterByTofMin", EMPTY_DBL(), Direction::Input),
"To exclude events that do not fall within a range "
"of times-of-flight. "
"This is the minimum accepted value in microseconds. Keep "
"blank to load all events.");
declareProperty(std::make_unique<PropertyWithValue<double>>("FilterByTofMax", EMPTY_DBL(), Direction::Input),
"To exclude events that do not fall within a range "
"of times-of-flight. "
"This is the maximum accepted value in microseconds. Keep "
"blank to load all events.");
"LogAllowList", std::vector<std::string>(), Direction::Input),
"If specified, only these logs will be loaded from the file (each "
"separated by a space).");
"LogBlockList", std::vector<std::string>(), Direction::Input),
"If specified, these logs will NOT be loaded from the file (each "
"separated by a space).");
declareProperty(std::make_unique<PropertyWithValue<std::string>>("XCenterLog", "wavelength", Direction::Input),
"Name of log to take to use as the X-bin center");
declareProperty(std::make_unique<PropertyWithValue<std::string>>("XWidthLog", "wavelength_spread", Direction::Input),
"Name of log to take to use as the X-bin width");
declareProperty(std::make_unique<PropertyWithValue<double>>("XCenter", EMPTY_DBL(), Direction::Input),
"Value to set X-bin center to which overrides XCenterLog");
declareProperty(std::make_unique<PropertyWithValue<double>>("XWidth", EMPTY_DBL(), Direction::Input),
"Value to set X-bin width to which overrides XWidthLog");
declareProperty("Units", "Wavelength",
"The name of the units to convert to (must be one of those registered in the Unit Factory)");
declareProperty(std::make_unique<WorkspaceProperty<Workspace2D>>("OutputWorkspace", "", Direction::Output),
"An output workspace.");

std::map<std::string, std::string> LoadEventAsWorkspace2D::validateInputs() {
std::map<std::string, std::string> results;

const std::vector<std::string> allow_list = getProperty("LogAllowList");
const std::vector<std::string> block_list = getProperty("LogBlockList");

if (!allow_list.empty() && !block_list.empty()) {
results["LogAllowList"] =
"LogBlockList and LogAllowList are mutually exclusive. Please only enter values for one of these fields.";
results["LogBlockList"] =
"LogBlockList and LogAllowList are mutually exclusive. Please only enter values for one of these fields.";

const double tofMin = getProperty("FilterByTofMin");
const double tofMax = getProperty("FilterByTofMax");

if (tofMin != EMPTY_DBL() && tofMax != EMPTY_DBL()) {
if (tofMin == EMPTY_DBL() || tofMax == EMPTY_DBL()) {
results["FilterByTofMin"] = "You must specify both min & max or neither TOF filters";
results["FilterByTofMax"] = "You must specify both min & max or neither TOF filters";
} else if (tofMin >= tofMax) {
results["FilterByTofMin"] = "FilterByTofMin must be less than FilterByTofMax";
results["FilterByTofMax"] = "FilterByTofMax must be greater than FilterByTofMin";

return results;
/** Execute the algorithm.
void LoadEventAsWorkspace2D::exec() {
std::string filename = getPropertyValue("Filename");

auto prog = std::make_unique<Progress>(this, 0.0, 1.0, 6);

// temporary workspace to load instrument and metadata
MatrixWorkspace_sptr WS = WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create("Workspace2D", 1, 1, 1);
// Load the logs
prog->doReport("Loading logs");
int nPeriods = 1; // Unused
auto periodLog = std::make_unique<const TimeSeriesProperty<int>>("period_log"); // Unused
LoadEventNexus::runLoadNexusLogs<MatrixWorkspace_sptr>(filename, WS, *this, false, nPeriods, periodLog,
getProperty("LogAllowList"), getProperty("LogBlockList"));

if (nPeriods != 1)
g_log.warning("This algorithm does not correctly handle period data");

// set center and width parameters, do it before we try to load the data so if the log doesn't exist we fail fast
double center = getProperty("XCenter");
if (center == EMPTY_DBL())
center = WS->run().getStatistics(getPropertyValue("XCenterLog")).mean;

double width = getProperty("XWidth");
if (width == EMPTY_DBL())
width = WS->run().getStatistics(getPropertyValue("XWidthLog")).mean;
width *= center;

if (width == 0.) {
std::string errmsg(
"Width was calculated to be 0 (XCenter*XWidth). This will result in a invalid bin with zero width");
throw std::runtime_error(errmsg);

const Kernel::NexusHDF5Descriptor descriptor(filename);

// Load the instrument
prog->doReport("Loading instrument");
LoadEventNexus::loadInstrument<MatrixWorkspace_sptr>(filename, WS, "entry", this, &descriptor);

// load run metadata
prog->doReport("Loading metadata");
try {
LoadEventNexus::loadEntryMetadata(filename, WS, "entry", descriptor);
} catch (std::exception &e) {
g_log.warning() << "Error while loading meta data: " << e.what() << '\n';

// create IndexInfo
prog->doReport("Creating IndexInfo");
const std::vector<int32_t> range;
LoadEventNexusIndexSetup indexSetup(WS, EMPTY_INT(), EMPTY_INT(), range);
auto indexInfo = indexSetup.makeIndexInfo();
const size_t numHist = indexInfo.size();

// make output workspace with correct number of histograms
MatrixWorkspace_sptr outWS = WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(WS, numHist, 2, 1);
// set spectrum index information

// now load the data
const auto id_to_wi = outWS->getDetectorIDToWorkspaceIndexMap();
detid_t min_detid = std::numeric_limits<detid_t>::max();
detid_t max_detid = std::numeric_limits<detid_t>::min();

for (const auto &entry : id_to_wi) {
min_detid = std::min(min_detid, entry.first);
max_detid = std::max(max_detid, entry.first);

const double tof_min = getProperty("FilterByTofMin");
const double tof_max = getProperty("FilterByTofMax");
const bool tof_filtering = (tof_min != EMPTY_DBL() && tof_max != EMPTY_DBL());

// vector to stored to integrated counts by detector ID
std::vector<uint32_t> Y(max_detid - min_detid + 1, 0);

::NeXus::File h5file(filename);

h5file.openGroup("entry", "NXentry");

// Now we want to go through all the bankN_event entries
const std::map<std::string, std::set<std::string>> &allEntries = descriptor.getAllEntries();

prog->doReport("Reading and integrating data");

auto itClassEntries = allEntries.find("NXevent_data");

if (itClassEntries != allEntries.end()) {

const std::set<std::string> &classEntries = itClassEntries->second;
const std::regex classRegex("(/entry/)([^/]*)");
std::smatch groups;

for (const std::string &classEntry : classEntries) {

if (std::regex_match(classEntry, groups, classRegex)) {
const std::string entry_name(groups[2].str());

// skip entries with junk data
if (entry_name == "bank_error_events" || entry_name == "bank_unmapped_events")

g_log.debug() << "Loading bank " << entry_name << '\n';
h5file.openGroup(entry_name, "NXevent_data");

std::vector<uint32_t> event_ids;

if (descriptor.isEntry("/entry/" + entry_name + "/event_id", "SDS"))
event_ids = Mantid::NeXus::NeXusIOHelper::readNexusVector<uint32_t>(h5file, "event_id");
event_ids = Mantid::NeXus::NeXusIOHelper::readNexusVector<uint32_t>(h5file, "event_pixel_id");

std::vector<float> event_times;
if (tof_filtering) {
if (descriptor.isEntry("/entry/" + entry_name + "/event_time_offset", "SDS"))
event_times = Mantid::NeXus::NeXusIOHelper::readNexusVector<float>(h5file, "event_time_offset");
event_times = Mantid::NeXus::NeXusIOHelper::readNexusVector<float>(h5file, "event_time_of_flight");

for (size_t i = 0; i < event_ids.size(); i++) {
if (tof_filtering) {
const auto tof = event_times[i];
if (tof < tof_min || tof > tof_max)

const detid_t det_id = event_ids[i];
if (det_id < min_detid || det_id > max_detid)

Y[det_id - min_detid]++;



// determine x values
const auto xBins = {center - width / 2, center + width / 2};

prog->doReport("Setting data to workspace");
// set the data on the workspace
const auto histX = Mantid::Kernel::make_cow<HistogramX>(xBins);
for (detid_t detid = min_detid; detid <= max_detid; detid++) {
const auto id_wi = id_to_wi.find(detid);
if (id_wi == id_to_wi.end())

const auto wi = id_wi->second;
const auto y = Y[detid - min_detid];

outWS->mutableY(wi) = y;
outWS->mutableE(wi) = sqrt(y);
outWS->setSharedX(wi, histX);

// set units

// add filename
outWS->mutableRun().addProperty("Filename", filename);
setProperty("OutputWorkspace", outWS);

} // namespace DataHandling
} // namespace Mantid
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion Framework/DataHandling/src/LoadEventNexus.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -969,7 +969,6 @@ void LoadEventNexus::loadEvents(API::Progress *const prog, const bool monitors)
vector<string> bankNames;
vector<std::size_t> bankNumEvents;
std::string classType = monitors ? "NXmonitor" : "NXevent_data";
::NeXus::Info info;
bool oldNeXusFileNames(false);
bool haveWeights = false;
auto firstPulseT = DateAndTime::maximum();
Expand Down

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