This repository is currently under reconsitution. It will be updated periodically, but without any guarantee... [Jan 28, 2019]
- K-means
- K-means++
- Generally speaking, this algorithm is similar to K-means;
- Unlike classic K-means randomly choosing initial centroids, a better initialization procedure is integrated into K-means++, where observations far from existing centroids have higher probabilities of being chosen as the next centroid.
- The initializeation procedure can be achieved using Fitness Proportionate Selection.
- ISODATA (Iterative Self-Organizing Data Analysis)
- To be brief, ISODATA introduces two additional operations: Splitting and Merging;
- When the number of observations within one class is less than one pre-defined threshold, ISODATA merges two classes with minimum between-class distance;
- When the within-class variance of one class exceeds one pre-defined threshold, ISODATA splits this class into two different sub-classes.
- Mean Shift
- For each point x, find neighbors, calculate mean vector m, update x = m, until x == m;
- Non-parametric model, no need to specify the number of classes;
- No structure priori.
- DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Application with Noise)
- Starting with pre-selected core objects, DBSCAN extends each cluster based on the connectivity between data points;
- DBSCAN takes noisy data into consideration, hence robust to outliers;
- Choosing good parameters can be hard without prior knowledge;
- Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM)
- LVQ (Learning Vector Quantization)
- Subspace K-means
- This algorithm directly extends K-means to Subspace Clustering through multiplying each dimension dj by one weight mj (s.t. sum(mj)=1, j=1,2,...,p);
- It can be efficiently sovled in an Expectation-Maximization (EM) fashion. In each E-step, it updates weights, centroids using Lagrange Multiplier;
- This rough algorithm suffers from the problem on its favor of using just a few dimensions when clustering sparse data;
- Entropy-Weighting Subspace K-means
- Generally speaking, this algorithm is similar to Subspace K-means;
- In addition, it introduces one regularization item related to weight entropy into the objective function, in order to mitigate the aforementioned problem in Subspace K-means.
- Apart from its succinctness and efficiency, it works well on a broad range of real-world datasets.
- Sparse Subspace Clustering