a Q&A tool for Wikipedia-based context-informed GPT chat
This script creates a chatbot that answers questions based on a specific Wikipedia page and its related pages. The chatbot uses context from the specified Wikipedia page and related pages to provide more accurate and detailed answers.
Get your OpenAI API key if you don't have one already: https://platform.openai.com/overview Once you have your API key, update the config.ini file.
Setup your AI LLM provider
If you performed step 0, you are already set.
Go to: https://www.anthropic.com/ and create an account to Talk to Claude Then, navigate to https://github.com/KoushikNavuluri/Claude-API and follow instuctions for getting your personal cookie. Once you have it, update your config.ini file.
- Set up your preferred vector memory store
Pinecone: Get your Pinecone account: https://www.pinecone.io/, and create an Index with this layout:
- Dimensions: 1536
- Metric: cosine
- pod type: p1 Get your Pinecone API key, Index environment and Index name, then update the config.ini file.
Requires no API key, simply update the config file with your preferred collection name.
Open Command Prompt and cd into the cloned directory.
Make sure you have installed the required dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the script: python wiki_what.py
Follow the prompts to input a Wikipedia page title. The chatbot will gather data, calculate embeddings, and store them in the Pinecone index if needed.
Enter questions related to the Wikipedia page title you provided. You can also use additional commands such as 'switch topic', 'smart answer', 'simple answer', or 'help' for more options. To exit the chatbot, type "exit". (Claude 2 is a single model and therefore cannot switch models)
Please enter a Wikipedia page title: Albert Einstein Gathering the background data for this chat, calculating it's embeddings and loading them into Pinecone. For more narrow focus wikipedia pages, this could take a couple minutes. For wider focus, it could take a while. Ok, I'm ready for your questions about Albert Einstein.
Enter a question or a command (enter 'help' for additional commands): What is the theory of relativity? Answer: The theory of relativity is a scientific theory developed by Albert Einstein that fundamentally changed our understanding of space, time, and gravity. It >consists of two parts: the special theory of relativity and the general theory of relativity. The special theory of relativity, published in 1905, deals with objects >moving at constant speeds, particularly in the absence of gravity. The general theory of relativity, published in 1915, is a theory of gravitation that describes how >massive objects cause curvature in spacetime, which leads to the observed motion of other objects.
Press enter to ask another question, or enter "exit" to exit: exit I hope you learned something about Albert Einstein! Goodbye!
As the script relies on first creating a table of related sections, the scope of the initial wiki page will vary the data gathering/processing time greatly. For example, if you use "Sheaf toss", a very niche folk athletic event, it will take a few seconds. If you use "Fishing", it could take over an hour.
The embedding process has been optimized for paid OpenAI accounts. If you are using a free account it will take significantly more time for the context to embed.
This chat agent tracks the pages that have been loaded into your index with the wiki_page_record.txt file. This is to help prevent loading multiple copies of the same page. As you use the program more and more, it will fill out your index with wikipedia context, and should slowly decrease the loading time of the wikipedia context. If you want to switch memory providers/collections/namespaces, make sure you delete content of wiki_page_record and resave it before using WikiWhat again.
There's an option for "smart answer" (if you are using ChatGPT). This agent is powered by GPT-4 and primed to give more nuanced, detailed and informative answers. This is best used for complex/difficult questions, as it will be less likely to give up and say "I don't know", and also is much more expensive.
- 8/9/2023 - Total overhaul of codebase, for now using Chroma as default memory
- 8/11/2023 - Continued overhaul, new async Embedder class for faster embedding, can now use ChatGPT or Claude 2, Chroma or Pinecone