A tool for automating a workflow I'm following in my currect distributed team - we keep our daily todo lists public as messages on a Slack channel.
It works with plain text to-do lists created by Taskpaper.
It scans a Taskpaper file for nodes marked with @slack(channel/msg)
syncs them to Slack.
The message must already exist at slack.
Only task nodes are synced (text nodes remain private).
and @doing
tags are are recognized.
Tags and what comes after them is removed.
This taskpaper file:
Monday, 11 Feb: @slack(B05KSNDD4/p1549566229043400)
- read emails @done spent 40m
lunch break 1h
- release new version @doing
- ping support team about the release
- comment on pull requests
Is posted to Slack as:
:calendar: *Monday, 11 Feb*
:done: read emails
:doing: release new version
:todo: ping support team about the release
:todo: comment on pull requests
Run with:
SLACK_TOKEN=foo SLACK_SUBDOMAIN=baz ./taskpaper-to-slack tasks.taskpaper