This application is built using Kotlin and utilizes the Cat API ( The primary goal of this project is to display a list of cat breeds, allow users to search and favorite them, and provide detailed information on each breed.
- Room: Local Database for offline functionality
- Jetpack compose: Toolkit for building the UI
- Navigation compose: For navigation between screens
- Kotlinx serialization Json: For the type converter ( To use a List in Room's database )
- Retrofit: A type-safe HTTP client to access TheCatAPI
- Coil: Helps with image loading and caching (for offline usage)
Usage of the MVVM architecture:
- data: Contains data models, database setup and Data Access Objects
- dao: Includes the Data Access Object
- database: Includes Room database setup and type converters
- model: Includes the entity and data transfer objects
- network: Contains Retrofit's API implementation
- repository: Contains the Repository, linking the ViewModel to the DAO
- ui: Houses the UI components, including screens, composables and components
- utils: Contains helpers used in multiple places
- viewmodel: Manages UI-related data
- BreedsScreen: Displays a list of all breeds
- DetailedBreedScreen: Shows information about a specific breed
- FavouriteBreedScreen: Lists all favourite breeds
- Blocking certain features if something goes wrong, informing the users through a Toast notification
- Checking internet connection before an API fetch and Performing the fetch after the connection is reestablished
- Disabling the return button from TopAppBar for 1200ms after a click, to avoid popping the root stack
- Informing the user and sending them back to the previous stack if the accessed detailed breed doesn't exist/can't be retrieved