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Community Service & PrestaShop X modules

To work as a Community Service or as PrestaShop X, a module needs three parts:

  • Contains all the controllers
  • Contains all the vuejs components to manage onboarding
  • Wraps all the calls to ps_accounts
  • Contains all the Firebase logic


composer require prestashop/prestashop-accounts-auth


Each PrestaShop X modules require that the module ps_accounts is installed in order to precess to the onboarding. PrestaShop X modules need to install ps_accounts in their install() method. In order to simplify that, we have created a method that handle it for you:

(new PrestaShop\AccountsAuth\Installer\Install())->installPsAccounts()

eg: You need to call the method above in the install() method in the main class of your module:

 * Function executed at the install of the module
 * @return bool
public function install()
  return (new PrestaShop\AccountsAuth\Installer\Install())->installPsAccounts() &&

In your PrestaShop X or Community Service module:

  • In the module's controllers and/or main class, get onboarding presenter and go to the view used by the viewsjs component
$psAccountPresenter = new PrestaShop\AccountsAuth\Presenter\PsAccountsPresenter($this->name);

    'contextPsAccounts' => $psAccountPresenter->present(),

The $psAccountPresenter format is:

    'psIs17' => bool,
    'psAccountsInstallLink' => null|string,
    'psAccountsEnableLink' => null|string,
    'onboardingLink' => string,
    'user' => [
        'email' => null|string,
        'emailIsValidated' => bool,
        'isSuperAdmin' => bool,
    'currentShop' =>  [
        'id' => string,
        'name' => string,
        'domain' => string,
        'domainSsl' => string,
        'url' => string,
    'shops' => [],
    'firebaseRefreshToken' => null|string,
    'superAdminEmail' => string,
    'ssoResendVerificationEmail' => string,


This library also provides PrestaShop Billing features and helpers to let your module call PrestaShop Billing API.

N.B.: To be able to call Billing API, you need to onboard the shop first

Subscribe to a free plan after onboarding

After a successful onboarding, you should probably register your merchant to a base Billing plan (if you have multiple levels of services, the base one is probably free). Let it go:

$billingService = new \PrestaShop\AccountsAuth\Service\PsBillingService();
$shopId = false; // Set this ID to the current shop in multishop context. False otherwise.
$ip = null; // Set this to the browser IP (the call is made from the backoffice by the merchant).
$result = $billingService->subscribeToFreePlan('<your_module>', '<your_basic_plan>', $shopId, $ip);

The result will present these IDs:

    'shopAccountId' => '<The PS Accounts shop ID, set after onboarding>',
    'customerId' => '<The PS Billing customer ID, linked to shop account>',
    'subscriptionId' => '<The subscription ID of the given plan>'

Or an \Exception will be thrown in case of error:

  • Code 10: 'Shop account unknown.'. The shop is not fully onboarded into PS Account process.
  • Code 20: 'Subscription plan name mismatch.'. The given plan does not match an available one.
  • Code 50: 'Billing customer request failed.'. The API call cannot be done.
  • Code 51: 'Billing subscriptions request failed.'. The API call cannot be done.
  • Code 60: 'Billing customer creation failed.'. The Billing customer cannot be created.
  • Code 65: 'Billing subscription creation failed.'. The Billing subscription cannot be created.


Run php-cs-fixer

php vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix

Run phpstan for prestashop

[email protected]:PrestaShopCorp/prestashop_accounts_auth.git path/to/clone

docker run -tid --rm -v ps-volume:/var/www/html --name temp-ps prestashop/prestashop:;

docker run --rm --volumes-from temp-ps -v $PWD:/web/module -v path/to/clone:/web/ps_accounts -e _PS_ROOT_DIR_=/var/www/html --workdir=/web/module phpstan/phpstan:0.12 analyse --configuration=/web/module/tests/phpstan/phpstan-PS-1.6.neon

Run phpstan for prestashop

[email protected]:PrestaShopCorp/prestashop_accounts_auth.git path/to/clone

docker run -tid --rm -v ps-volume:/var/www/html --name temp-ps prestashop/prestashop:;

docker run --rm --volumes-from temp-ps -v $PWD:/web/module -v path/to/clone:/web/ps_accounts -e _PS_ROOT_DIR_=/var/www/html --workdir=/web/module phpstan/phpstan:0.12 analyse --configuration=/web/module/tests/phpstan/phpstan-PS-1.7.neon


Firebase auth class







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