- Berlin
- 1h ahead - http://www.marinalimeira.com
- Pro
go-concurrency-exercises Public
Forked from loong/go-concurrency-exercisesHands on exercises with real-life examples to study and practice Go concurrency patterns. Test-cases are provided to verify your answers.
steampipe-mod-aws-compliance Public
Forked from turbot/steampipe-mod-aws-complianceRun individual controls or full compliance benchmarks for CIS, PCI, NIST, HIPAA and more across all of your AWS accounts using Steampipe.
HCL Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 3, 2023 -
tflint-ruleset-aws Public
Forked from terraform-linters/tflint-ruleset-awsTFLint ruleset for terraform-provider-aws
Go Mozilla Public License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 3, 2023 -
the-go-programming-language Public
Code examples of the book 'The Go Programming Language'.
Go UpdatedMay 17, 2022 -
bubble-table Public
Forked from Evertras/bubble-tableA customizable, interactive table component for the Bubble Tea framework
Go MIT License UpdatedMay 14, 2022 -
rails-i18n Public
Forked from svenfuchs/rails-i18nRepository for collecting Locale data for Ruby on Rails I18n as well as other interesting, Rails related I18n stuff
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJan 15, 2022 -
renovate Public
Forked from renovatebot/renovateUniversal dependency update tool that fits into your workflows.
TypeScript Other UpdatedJan 7, 2022 -
cloud-nuke Public
Forked from gruntwork-io/cloud-nukeA tool for cleaning up your cloud accounts by nuking (deleting) all resources within it
Go MIT License UpdatedFeb 12, 2020 -
curriculum Public
Forked from ClojureBridgeSP/curriculumCurriculum for the ClojureBridge workshop series.
JavaScript UpdatedDec 10, 2018 -
ciphers Public
Forked from ClojureBridgeSP/ciphersClojureBridge Track 2 lesson: writing and breaking ciphers.
UpdatedDec 4, 2018 -
tinybucket Public
Forked from hirakiuc/tinybucketA Ruby client library for Bitbucket REST API v2 with OAuth Authentication.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJul 7, 2018 -
empresas-que-usam-react-no-brasil Public
Forked from react-brasil/empresas-que-usam-react-no-brasilRepositório que mostra empresas e projetos que utilizam React no Brasil
showcase-app-react-native Public
Forked from react-brasil/showcase-app-react-nativeAplicativos nacionais feitos com React Native
1 UpdatedApr 13, 2018 -
async-clj-highlight Public
Forked from clojure-vim/async-clj-highlightExtend builtin syntax highlighting to referred and aliased vars in Clojure buffers
Clojure UpdatedJan 4, 2018 -
rails-coffee-shop Public
Primeiros passos em uma aplicação Rails.
traducoes-de-artigos Public
Forked from entrylvl/traducoes-de-artigosMIT License UpdatedOct 2, 2017