DISCLAIMER: Jamming is an illegal practice. This software and hardware is a PoC only for educational purpose!
This application creates a noise signal to interfere Wifi and Bluetooth signals. (Effects can may vary depending on the bluetooth versions of target devices)
This project use PlatformIO, to build follow steps on official documentation.
- 1x Prototype PCB (at least 7x9 cm)
- 1x ESP32 Dev Module (such as ESP32-WROOM-32U, any ESP32 should work as long as it has the needed pins)
- 2x NRF24L01 + PA + LNA
- 2x 10uF (any voltage above 5V)
NRF24L01 | HSPI Pin (ESP32) | 10uf capacitor |
VCC | 3.3V | (+) capacitor |
GND | GND | (-) capacitor |
CE | GPIO 16 | |
CSN | GPIO 15 | |
SCK | GPIO 14 | |
MOSI | GPIO 13 | |
MISO | GPIO 12 | |
NRF24L01 | VSPI Pin (ESP32) | 10uf capacitor |
VCC | 3.3V | (+) capacitor |
GND | GND | (-) capacitor |
CE | GPIO 22 | |
CSN | GPIO 21 | |
SCK | GPIO 18 | |
MOSI | GPIO 23 | |
MISO | GPIO 19 | |
- This project is based on: