This repository is a fork of tokyo-night-tmux by Logico. The license of that code was the MIT license, and is maintained in this repository through the
file. A huge thank you to their development efforts, whichout which this would not be possible.
The primary purpose of this repository is to take the visual outline of the tokyo-night-tmux plugin but change the colours and themes to be catppuccin. There is also the tmux repository in the catppuccin organization which you may also experiment with and decide on your preference.
- You will need to have a nerd font installed (note the homebrew steps below do this for you)
- You will need to install the packages below for everything to work.
brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew install --cask font-monaspace-nerd-font font-noto-sans-symbols-2
brew install bash bc coreutils gawk gh glab gsed jq nowplaying-cli
apk add bash bc coreutils gawk git jq playerctl sed
pacman -Sy bash bc coreutils git jq playerctl
apt-get install bash bc coreutils gawk git jq playerctl
In your tmux.conf
set -g @plugin "mark-pitblado/catppuccin-tmux"