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GitHub Action

Run PHPStan PMMP Action


Run PHPStan PMMP Action


Run PHPStan PMMP Action

GitHub action for running phpstan analysis against PocketMine-MP plugin sources


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Run PHPStan PMMP Action

uses: NxtLvLSoftware/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in NxtLvLSoftware/run-phpstan-pmmp-action

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Action nxtlvlsoftware/run-phpstan-pmmp-action

GitHub action for running PHPStan analysis against PocketMine-MP plugins and libraries in actions workflows. See setup-pmmp-phpstan-env-action for descriptions on provided phpstan.neon configurations.

Action Input Required Default Description
php-version false 8.1.14 Specifies the version of php to use. We try to keep the default up-to-date with PocketMine. Pull Requests welcome.
phpstan-version false 1.9.13 Specifies the version of phpstan to use. We try to keep the default up-to-date with PocketMine. Pull Requests welcome.
pmmp-version false latest Specifies the version of pmmp to use. Will use the latest available release by default. You should keep this locked to the API version in your plugin.yml as any non-stable release could be downloaded.
pmmp-source-dir false ./pocketmine Specifies the directory to install PocketMine sources and default phpstan.neon configs to.
memory-limit false 1G Specifies the memory limit in the same format php.ini accepts.
analyse false undefined A space seperated list of paths to analyse. Providing paths here will override any paths specified in phpstan.neon files. (
level false 9 Specifies the rule level to run (1-9).
config false ./pocketmine/phpstan/phpstan.neon.dist Path to a phpstan.neon configuration file.
no-progress false true Turns off the progress bar.
debug false Instead of the progress bar, it outputs lines with each analysed file before its analysis.
quiet false Silences all the output. Useful if you’re interested only in the exit code.
autoload-file false ./pocketmine/phpstan/vendor/autoload.php If your application uses a custom autoloader, you should set it up and register in a PHP file that is passed to this CLI option. Relative paths are resolved based on the current working directory.
error-format false github Specifies a custom error formatter.
ansi false Overrides the auto-detection of whether colors should be used in the output and how nice the progress bar should be.
xdebug false PHPStan turns off XDebug if it’s enabled to achieve better performance.

How to use

Simple analysis of PocketMine plugins and libraries on GitHub Actions:

name: My PMMP Plugin Workflow
on: [ push ]
    name: Run Plugin Tests
    runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 # pmmp-php-build doesn't work on ubuntu-latest yet
      - name: Checkout source code
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Run PHPStan
        uses: nxtlvlsoftware/run-phpstan-pmmp-action@v1

This example will run the analysis with the default settings against any code in the src directory. We aim to keep the default phpstan version in-sync with whatever PocketMine is currently using, pull requests are welcome to maintain this.

Or to lock the versions of any required tools/executables to known versions:

name: My PMMP Plugin Workflow
on: [ push ]
    name: Run Plugin Tests
    runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 # pmmp-php-build doesn't work on ubuntu-latest yet
      - name: Checkout source code
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - uses: nxtlvlsoftware/run-phpstan-pmmp-action@v1
          analyse: src
          config: tests/phpstan/action.phpstan.neon
          level: 9
          php-version: 8.0.18
          phpstan-version: 1.8.2
          pmmp-version: 4.6.1


nxtlvlsoftware/run-phpstan-pmmp-action is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.