The Cloud Workshop SDK contains all the documentation, tools, and example reference applications required to build a simple, scalable, suite of Cloud based IoT applications that includes an Raspberry Pi Sense HAT IoT Device application, an Arduino Uno Wifi Rev2 Lucky Shield IoT Device application, IoT Services Reference application, a IoT Laravel Reporting Reference application, and IoT Angular and React Reporting Reference applications.
For a modern Cloud Serverless Architecture see this example.
The Cloud Workshop SDK currently supports the Redhat OpenShift Cloud, the Microsoft Azure Cloud, the Google Cloud Platform, the Heroku Cloud, and the Amazon AWS Cloud. The SDK also contains a DevOps Reference Architecture, which you can access here
Use the following links to get started with the Cloud Workshop SDK:
- An overview of the Cloud Reference Architefture can be found here.
- You can view the Cloud Workshop Training deck here.
- You can access the Cloud Workshop Training Video Library here.
- 07-30-2021: Ported to Azure Serverless Architecture here.
- 07-03-2020: Added Angular and React Reporting Reference Applications.
- 12-30-2018: Added support for an Arduino IoT Device.
- 07-22-2018: Added support for the Amazon AWS Cloud.
- 07-18-2018: Added DevOps Reference Architecture (using Jenkins, GitLabs, Loggly, and Uptime Robot).
- 07-10-2018: Added support for the Heroku Cloud and added support documentation for DevOps.
- 06-29-2018: Added support for Tomcat and JBoss Wildfly Dockerfiles on the Google Cloud Platform.
- 06-26-2018: Added support for the Google Cloud Platform.
- 06-08-2018: Updated the Reporting Reference Application to integrate Plotly Charts and the jQuery Data Table.
- 03-22-2018: Added support for the Azure Cloud.
- 07-21-2017: Added new screencasts for how to setup using the Eclipse EE and MySQL Workbench.
- Support for Amazon Cloud9 IDE and Cloud Code Services.
This SDK is organized into a number of folders. It should be noted that all directories in this markup are indicated in bold italic text. Note, once you have downloaded the SDK the Markdown README files can still be viewed from your file system in Chrome by using the Markdown Preview Chrome Plugin. If you want to report issues or suggest new features please enter an Issue in this repository.
- The 'developer' folder: contains starter Java Spring and PHP Laravel template projects
- The 'docs' folder: contains Database, JavaDoc, PhpDoc, and Architecture documentation, you should start here
- The 'tools' folder: contains misc. documentation generation tools
You should start by first reading the Architecture decks, JavaDoc, and the PhpDoc, which are all located in the docs directory in the SDK. You should also make sure you are comfortable with the following technologies, frameworks, and tools. There are many tutorials available to help you come up to speed. If you are doing development using desktop tools you will also need to install all the development tools.
- Java, Spring Framework (Core, Security, JDBC), Maven, and JAX-RS. These technologies and frameworks will be used to build the IoT Services application.
- Laravel PHP, LavaCharts, Plotly, jQuery Data Table, and Guzzle. These technologies and frameworks will be used to build the IoT Reporting application.
- Github, SourceTree, MAMP, Eclipse Neon, MySQL Workbench, Apache Tomcat 8.5, and PostMan. These tools will be used to support building all of the IoT applications.
For desktop development you will need to download and install the following tools. If you use the Cloud based Codeenvy IDE than you will not be required to install ANY development tools!
- Eclipse for Java EE platform: Download here and/or use cloud based the Codenvy IDE.
- Eclipse for PHP platform: Download here and/or use the cloud based Codenvy IDE.
- Tomcat 8.5: Download here and/or use the cloud based Codenvy IDE. It should be noted that Jetty 9.4 has also been validated.
- MAMP: Download here.
- SourceTree: Download here and/or use the Chrome Browser.
- MySQL Workbench: Download here and/or use the MySQL Admin Chrome Plugin, which can be dowloaded from the Chrome WebStore (search for MySQL Admin).
- PostMan: Download here and/or use the Postman Chrome Plugin, which can be dowloaded from the Chrome WebStore (search for Postman).
After you are become familiar with the architecture, example applications, and tools you can start building your own IoT applications using the sample Reference applications in the SDK as a guide. As a developer, there are application build instructions for developing in the Cloud based Cloudenvy IDE or desktop Eclipse IDE. All code is maintained in the Github Cloud based source control system and deployed to the Cloud based Redhat OpenShift or Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud Platform or the Heroku Cloud or the AWS Cloud. See the README file and 'Cloud Setup Notes text' file located in the docs/development folder to get started building your own IoT applications.
Get started now!
This directory contains the contains starter Java Spring and PHP Laravel template projects. You can import these into your IDE to get the basic scaffolding for a starter IoT Services application and an IoT Reporting application.
- eclipsePHP: this folder contains the instructions and ANT build files to support auto-deployment in Eclipse PHP.
- cloudapp: this folder contains a basic PHP Laravel Project with the "Hello World" page along with the Guzzle and LavaCharts libraries added.
- cloudservices: this folder contains a basic Java Spring Project with "Test" REST API configured along with basic SLF4J configuration.
- testing: this folder contains the Postman Test Scripts that can be used when testing the Reference IoT Services application and its associated REST API's.
This directory contains all of the documentation for the IoT SDK. This is where all developers should start!
- architecture: this folder contains all of the high level architecture documents.
- database: this folder contains the database design (ER Diagram) and DDL script that can be used to build the database and tables to support the IoT Reference applications.
- development: this folder contains the developer documentation that can be referenced when setting up the Development Environment and configuring the Cloud Environments. See the README markup file in this folder for all the details.
- javadoc: this folder contains the JavaDoc for the Reference IoT Services application.
- phpdoc: this folder contains the PhpDoc for the Reference IoT Reporting application.
- swagger: this folder contains the API specification file for the IoT Services that is Swagger API compliant.
- training: this folder contains the Workshop Training decks.
This directory contains a few miscellaneous tools to support building the code and documentation for the IoT applications.
- phpdocumentor: this folder contains the PHP Archive (phar file) that can be used to generate standard HTML documentation for any PHP projects.
- yworks: this folder contains the documentation and Java Archive (jar file) that creates and embeds UML class diagrams within standard JavaDoc.
The following tutorials can be referenced as needed to come up to speed on the technologies and frameworks that are used to build the IoT Reference applications.
- • Maven Tutorials:
- • Spring Framework Tutorials:
- • REST and JAX-RS Tutorials: